Agent Configuration Guide

Agent Configuration Guide

In order to setup an Agent, it's configuration, please check the information related to the Agent in the table provided below for few DevOps tools.

S.NoProperty TypeProperty NameTool NameDescription
1GenerictoolsTimeZoneAll ToolsTime zone in which the DevOps tool(i.e. Jenkins, JIRA, GIT) is running
2GenericstartFromAll ToolsDate and Time using which the data collection of the Agent will start
3GenericisDebugAllowedAll ToolsFlag to set debugging to true or false. Useful for seeing more logs
4GenericuseResponseTemplateAll ToolsFlag to turn on the usage of Response Template
5GenericrunScheduleAll ToolsScheduler frequency of Agent in mins. Recommended - 30
6GenerictimeFieldMappingAll ToolsAdd the timeStampField here to get equivalent epoch time generated
Eg: for Git
timeFieldMapping: { commitTime : "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"}
7GenericResponseTemplateAll ToolsDefines the field to be collected from the Rest API calls
Eg data for Git. In the below example, fields highlighted in Blue is from the API response from the DEvOps tools and text highlighted in green are the attributes that will be stored in Neo4j. Attributes/field names in Neo4j follows camelCase Naming Convention
"responseTemplate" : {
   "sha": "commitId",
   "commit" : {
                "author" : {
                          "name": "authorName",
                          "date": "commitTime"
8Tool SpecificIsEnrichmentRequiredSCMBoolean value, which takes the input whether the user wants to go for Data Enrichment(which is mandatory for creating a correlation)
9Tool SpecificSourcePropertySCMProperty of the SCM tool whose value will be picked up the engine , for processing data enrichment.
10Tool SpecificKeyPatternSCMA pattern to be entered , based on which the value from Source property will be fetched and stored.
11Tool SpecificTargetPropertySCMProperty of the SCM tool, which will store the calculated value of data Enrichment.It is used for creating correlations.
12Tool SpecificuseridHP ALMValid UserID with access to read tool data
13Tool SpecificpasswdHP ALMPassword of the mentioned UserID
14Tool SpecificbaseEndPointHP ALMUrl of the HP ALM(ex http://hostname:8080)
15Tool SpecifictimeStampFieldHP ALMlast-modified
16Tool SpecifictimeStampFormatHP ALMTime stamp format of the field specified in timeStampField
17Tool SpecificdataFetchCountHP ALMIt is count of the event to be fetched for one REST call
18Tool SpecificuseResponseTemplateHP ALM true
19Tool SpecificuseridJiraValid UserID with access to read tool data
20Tool SpecificpasswdJiraPassword of the mentioned UserID
21Tool SpecificbaseUrlJira#Jira_URL#/rest/api/2/search
22Tool SpecificuseResponseTemplateJira true
23Tool SpecifictimeStampFieldJiralastUpdated
24Tool SpecifictimeStampFormatJiraTime stamp format of the field specified in timeStampField
25Tool SpecificuseridArtifactoryValid UserID with access to read tool data
26Tool SpecificpasswdArtifactoryPassword of the mentioned UserID
27Tool SpecificBaseUrlArtifactoryREST URL to get list of Artifactory repositories(ex. https://<HOSTNAME>:8081/artifactory/api)
28Tool SpecificFirstEndPointArtifactoryREST URL to get list of  repositorie details (http://<HOSTNAME>:8081/artifactory/api/storage/)
29Tool SpecificuseResponseTemplateArtifactory true
30Tool SpecifictimeStampFieldArtifactorylastUpdated
31Tool SpecifictimeStampFormatArtifactoryTime stamp format of the field specified in timeStampField
32Tool SpecificuseridJenkinsValid UserID with access to read tool data
33Tool SpecificpasswdJenkinsPassword of the mentioned UserID
34Tool SpecificuseResponseTemplateJenkins true
35Tool SpecificuseAllBuildsApiJenkinsIf it is set false it will take only latest 100 elements, if is set true retrive all builds
36Tool SpecificbaseUrlJenkins#Jenkins_URL#
37Tool SpecificjenkinsMastersJenkins#Jenkins_Master_URL#
38Tool SpecifictimeStampFieldJenkinsbuildTimestamp
39Tool SpecifictimeStampFormatJenkinsTime stamp format of the field specified in timeStampField
40Tool Specificaccess_key_idAWSIi is the access key of an IAM user which has access all services in AWS(i.e PowerUser)
41Tool Specificsecret_access_keyAWSIt is the Secret key of the specified access key
42Tool SpecifictimeStampFieldAWSlaunchTime
43Tool SpecifictimeStampFormatAWSTime stamp format of the field specified in timeStampField
44Tool Specificvpc_idAWSSpecify the VPC ID(s)
45Tool SpecificuseResponseTemplateAWS false
46Tool SpecificAdditional LibrarySVNAgent setup includes download of boto3 library
47Tool SpecificusernameServiceNowValid UserName with access to read tool data which should have access to folllowing table change_request, sysapproval_approver, incident, sysapproval_group
48Tool SpecificpasswordServiceNowPassword of the mentioned Username
49Tool SpecificbaseUrlServiceNow#Service-Now_URL#
50Tool SpecifictimeStampFieldServiceNowSpecify the unique field in SNOW data(ex. commitTime) to refer time for each event
51Tool SpecifictimeStampFormatServiceNowTime stamp format of the field specified in timeStampField
52Tool SpecificusernameSVNValid UserName with access to read tool data of all repositories
53Tool SpecificpasswordSVNPassword of the mentioned Username
54Tool SpecificbaseUrlSVNSpecify the URL of the repositories you need to monitor in list(ex. baseUrl : ["http://<HOSTNAME>:18080/svn/repo1","http://<HOSTNAME>:18080/svn/repo2"] )
55Tool SpecifictimeStampFieldSVNSpecify the unique field in SVN data(ex. commitTime) to refer time for each event
56Tool SpecifictimeStampFormatSVNTime stamp format of the field specified in timeStampField
57Tool SpecificResponseTemplateSVN false
58Tool SpecificAdditional LibrarySVNAgent setup includes download of pysvn library
59Tool SpecificaccessTokenGITValid UserName access token to read GIT data of all repositories
60Tool SpecificgetReposGIT#GitHub_URL#/user/repos
61Tool SpecificcommitsBaseEndPointGIT#GitHub_URL#/repos/repo_name
62Tool SpecifictimeStampFieldGITcommitTime
63Tool SpecifictimeStampFormatGITTime stamp format of the field specified in timeStampField
64Tool SpecificuseridSONARValid UserID with access to read tool data
65Tool SpecificpasswdSONARPassword of the mentioned UserID
66Tool SpecificuseResponseTemplateSONAR false
67Tool SpecifictimeMachineapiSONARyes/no - this is based on the Sonar version
68Tool SpecificbaseUrlSONAR#Sonar_URL#
69Tool SpecifictimeStampFieldSONARbuildTimestamp
70Tool SpecifictimeStampFormatSONARTime stamp format of the field specified in timeStampField


Data Enrichment is a separate section added in SCM tools' configs,which deals with the post processing property of the nodes. The section should have the following properties.   

  • IsEnrichmentRequired :- Enable Post Processing.
  • SourceProperty :-Choose the property on which the post processing has to be applied
  • TargetProperty :- Name of the new property to be created.
  • KeyPattern :- Regex to be applied   

Once the property is configured in the agent management  portion, it is the role of the engine to create the property, when the node is inserted in Neo4j. The property should be created based on the regex which is configured. Later the normal flow should continue ,wherein the user is able to choose the derived property in the co-relation builder screen to link the two nodes and this relationship would be picked up by the co-relation module to create the necessary relationship.

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