KPI and Content Configuration
KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator, a quantifiable measure of performance over time for a specific objective. It helps to cut the complexity associated with performance tracking by reducing a large amount of measures into a practical number of 'key' indicators.
Content is the textual interpretation of KPI results. For one KPI there can be multiple contents associated with it.
Insights >= 7.2
Upload Tool detail json file in Configuration File Management with module as TOOLDETAIL.
Insights supports Neo4j database for reporting functionality.
Only Admin and Editor user can access this functionality.
Supported KPI Categories
STANTDARD category:
For STANDARD category, only one single result is retrieved as per latest executionId and according to this result, content message is formed.
COMPARISON category:
For COMPARISON category, two records of KPI result are fetched using last executionId and second last execution. Then these two records are compared and according to the comparison output, expected trend and sentiment, content message is selected.
THRESHOLD category:
For THRESHOLD category, last n result records are retrieved, here n depends on the number of kpi results found.
Based on action, operation is performed and two list are created, one is above threshold and one is below threshold.
Based on directionOfThreshold, final result is calculated and content message text is decided
For THRESHOLD-RANGE category, last n results are retrieved, here n depends on number of kpi results found.
Based on action and thresholds provide in content definition, operation is performed and final result is calculated.
According to final result sentiment and content message is selected.
MINMAX category:
For MINMAX category, last n results are retrieved, here n depends on number of Kpi results found.
Based on action, either MIN (minimum) or MAX (maximum) value from KPI results list is calculated and content message is formed.
TREND category:
For trend category, last n results are retrieved, here n depends on number of Kpi results.
Based on action, operation is performed and final result is calculated. According to the final result content message text is formed.
PREDICTION category:
PREDICTION category is used for KPI which are associated with Forecasting usecase. (Refer Forecasting With H20)
Content message guidelines:
For COMPARISON category user has to create three type of messages based on sentiment positive, negative and neutral. Message will be fetch based on calculated sentiment. See below sample content message:
{"positive":"Total Code Bugs has decreased to {current:Bugs} from {previous:Bugs} ","negative":"Total Code Bugs has increased to {current:Bugs} from {previous:Bugs} ","neutral":"Total Code Bugs has remained constant to {Bugs}"}
STANDARD category use Query return column NAME in message. Only single content message allowed in this type
For THRESHOLD category Only single content message allowed in this type
For THRESHOLD-RANGE category , different thresholds values needs to be given in content definition based on those values content message is formed. Only single content message allowed in this type.
Some predefine text are provided that can be used to create content message easily. Please check below table:
KPI Category | Query Name Parameter | Description | Example |
ALL | {< Query return column NAME > } | It will used to replace Query return column NAME. It is mandatory to use same name, which is returned by neo4j query. | Total Number of Builds has increased to {current:TotalNumberBuild} to {previous:TotalNumberBuild} |
COMPARISON | { current:< Query return column NAME > } | This is used to fetch current record value | {current:BuildCount} |
COMPARISON | { previous:< Query return column NAME > } | This is used to fetch previous record value | {previous:BuildCount} |
THRESHOLD | {result} | This will be used to return action result for this category. | {result} |
THRESHOLD | {day} | This will return day based on workflow Schedule. | {day} |
THRESHOLD | {week} | This will return week based on workflow Schedule. | {week} |
THRESHOLD | {year} | This will return year based on based on workflow Schedule. | {year} |
THRESHOLD-RANGE | { red }, { amber } , {green} | These parameters returns calculated values for these three standard zones red , amber , green | Total Successful builds w.r.t zones are red {red}, amber {amber} , green {green} |
MINMAX | {minDate} , {maxDate} | These are used to return min value and maximum value dates from the KPI result list. | Employee productivity was maximum on {maxDate} day |
Steps to configure KPI
Navigate to KPI Configuration screen, existing KPIs are listed here. To create a new KPI, click on Add (+) icon.
Fill all mandatory details of KPI.
KpiId: Input a unique numeric Id.
Name: Provide a suitable name for KPI.
Select Tool: Select tool from drop down for which KPI needs to be configured.
Category: Select category from dropdown. (for more info refer KPI and Content Configuration | Supported KPI Categories )
Result field: Provide result field which will be returned by DB query.
Group Name: Input selected tool Category.
Input datasource: Select datasource where DB query needs to be executed. (NEO4J recommended)
DB Query: Input a correct query to fetch data. Query should have correct labels and mention time placeholders like {startTime} and {endTime} so that KPI data will be fetched according to the selected frequency. See below sample Jira KPI query for 'Total Defects Count':
Match (n:JIRA) WHERE n.SPKstartTime >= {startTime} and n.SPKstartTime <= {endTime} and n.SPKvector='DEFECTS' return count(n) as Issues
isActive: Active KPI will be used for report creation. (recommended value True)
Click on Save icon to save KPI in database.
To store multiple Kpis at once, click on Upload icon.
Then a pop-up will be displayed, click on Choose File button to choose a valid json file with required Kpi details and click on Upload icon to save all Kpis.
To edit a particular Kpi select that Kpi and then click on Edit button. In edit scenario fields which can be edited are Result Field, Input Datasource, DB Query and isActive flag.
To delete a KPI, select that KPI and then click on Delete button. Deletion of KPI is not allowed if it is attached to report template.
Steps to configure Content
Before creating content follow above steps to configure KPI. To create Content, navigate to Content Configuration screen and click on Add (+) icon.
Fill all mandatory fields to configure Content.
ContentId: Input unique numeric contentId.
Content Name: Provide a appropriate name for content.
Kpi Id: Click on Search icon to choose Kpi for which content is required.
Expected Trend: Select appropriate trend from dropdown.
Result Field: Content result field according to which content message will be formed.
Is Active: Active content will be used for report creation.
Message: Content message which will be used according result. (refer KPI and Content Configuration | Content message guidelines: )
See below sample Jira KPI Content message for 'Total Defects Count':
{"contentMessage":"Total number of defects captured in the last sprint were {Count}","neutralMessage":"No defects captured in the last sprint"}
Dynamic Fields as per KPI category:
Action: Select action from dropdown that are aggregation function which needs to be applied to KPI result. (This field is required for MINMAX, TREND, THRESHOLD and THRESHOLD_RANGE category KPI)
Direction of Threshold: Select a relevant direction of threshold ABOVE/BELOW based on KPI. (This field is required THRESHOLD and THRESHOLD_RANGE category KPI)
Threshold: Provide a threshold object which has threshold range details for KPI result. (This field is required THRESHOLD and THRESHOLD_RANGE category KPI)
See below sample Threshold object example:
NOTE: One KPI can have multiple contents associated with it.
After filling above details click on Save icon to save content in database. Once it gets saved successfully it will be displayed in list view screen.
To store multiple contents at once, click on Upload icon.
Then a pop-up will be displayed, click on Choose File button to choose a valid json file with required Content details and click on Upload icon to save all Contents.
To edit a particular Content, select that Content in list view screen and then click on Edit button. In edit scenario all fields can be edited except Content Id and Kpi Id.
To delete a particular Content select that Content and click on Delete button.
©2021 Cognizant, all rights reserved. US Patent 10,410,152