Bulk Upload
Bulk Upload
Step - by step instructions on how to jump start and bulk upload Data to Neo4j using Bulk Upload
Bulk Upload is a tool/functionality to jump start uploading up to 5 data file in .CSV format (maximum size 2 MB) to push bulk data in Neo4j.
Click on Configuration | Bulk Upload.
To enable the tool list, details of tools along with their labels have to be set in toolDetail.json
Click on Configuration, under sub menu click on Bulk Upload
- Click on Configuration, click on sub menu Bulk Upload
How to upload up to 5 .CSV files (maximum size 2 MB) using Bulk Upload?
- Tool: Click on the drop down to select the tool, for which data needs to uploaded.
- Label: The label is auto-populated once the tool is selected. This label can be edited.
- InsightsTimeField: This field should contain the name of the column from the .CSV file which contains time related data.
- InsightsTimeFormat: This field should contain the time format used in the .CSV file incase it is not a Epoch time. This field is optional.
- File: Select a file (.CSVfile with maximum size of 2 MB)
Click on "Upload" icon: Please click on the "Upload" icon to upload the selected file to push the data to Neo4j.
- toolDetail.json file which contains the list of tools along with their labels needs to be added under INSIGHTS_HOME.
- Label is auto-populated once the Tool is selected
- The file needs to be in .CSV format and with maximum size of 2 MB.
Tips to upload .CSV file
Please ensure that the .CSV file is in correct format to avoid failure in uploading the file. For example
- In the header do not use """. E.g. "commit_ID", instead use commit_ID
- In textual data do not use spaces. E.g. run time, instead use run_time
- If in textual data/value contain comma(",") then replace it with underscore(_) or semi-colon(";")
- Make sure that InsightTimeField date field in format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
- Please ensure there is consistency in the header while uploading data for same Tool to avoid data mismatch
Please Note: Uploading incorrect data or inconsistent data may impact creation of Dashboards and other functionalities - If InsightTimeField is in epoch format then make sure that Epoch Time is in second.
, multiple selections available,
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©2021 Cognizant, all rights reserved. US Patent 10,410,152