Agent 2.0 - Sample config.json file
Check the various properties present in config.json file on this page
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Sample config.json file
The below sample is config.json file for GitHub.
Description of the properties in config.json file
- The below is an example provided for the GIT agent. Please check other agent specific config.json in github or docroot.
Property | Description |
"mqConfig": { "user": "iSight", |
"subscribe": { "config": "SCM.GIT.config" |
"publish": { "data": "SCM.GIT.DATA", |
"communication": { "type": "REST" |
"dynamicTemplate": { "responseTemplate": { "sha": "commitId", "commit": { "author": { "name": "authorName", } } } } |
enableBranches | This is property that sets branching information for the tool. |
toolCategory | It is name of the SDLC functional block. |
toolsTimeZone | It is the time zone/regional time at which the tool is running |
insightsTimeZone | It is the time zone/regional time at which the Insights Application is running |
useResponseTemplate | It sets whether to use Response Template or not. |
auth | It is the authentication type to encrypt/de-crypt authentication tokens. |
runSchedule | It is the agent run schedule in minutes. |
timeStampField | It is the time stamp field present in the tool. |
timeStampFormat | It is time stamp format for the "timeStampField". |
startFrom | It is the time from which agent should start collecting data from the tool. |
accessToken | It is the authentication token to access the REST APIs and data from the tool. |
getRepos | It is the REST API to collect repository information in GitHub. |
commitsBaseEndPoint | It is the end point to collect commits information. |
isDebugAllowed | It is a flag to set debugging to true or false. |
loggingSetting | It contains agent logs related configuration. |
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