Grafana 9.5.5 to 10.0.0 migration
Prerequisite: Insights >= v10.4
From Insights_v10.4 onwards we support Grafana10.0.0 and also migrated the API keys/PDF tokens to service account. Therefore, it is mandatory to refresh Grafana token once before running the Insights dashboard reports per organization.
Migration steps for Windows:
Step 1: Download the Grafana10.0.0 zip from the below URL & unzip it inside C:/InSights_Windows/Server2.
Step 2: Stop Grafana9.5.5 if running on the instance & run the grafana-server.exe file once from Grafana10.0.0/bin/grafana-server.
This is to create data folder.
Step 3: Copy the custom.ini file if present from grafana9.5.5/conf and place it in grafana10.0.0/conf folder. The following properties needs to be updated in default.ini file.
# Either "mysql", "postgres" or "sqlite3", it's your choice
type = (database type)
host = (database host)
name = grafana
user = (username)
# If the password contains # or; you have to wrap it with triple quotes. Ex """#password;"""
password =
# set to true if you want to allow browsers to render Grafana in a <frame>, <iframe>, <embed> or <object>. default is false.
allow_embedding = true
# Enter a comma-separated list of plugin identifiers to identify plugins to load even if they are unsigned. Plugins with modified signatures are never loaded.
allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = cts-neo-4-j-4-0,Inference,cde-inference-plugin,cognizant-insights-charts
These are unsigned plugins, so we have to allow loading plugins. If this property is not set, we don’t see the plugins in Grafana10.0.0.
# tuning. 0 disables Live, -1 means unlimited connections.
max_connections = 0
Step 4:
Click here to download & unzip it.
Copy the iSight_ui3.js from Insights-master/PlatformGrafanaPlugins/ScriptedDashboard & place it inside grafana10.0.0/public/dashboards as shown below.
Step 5: Include the below script tags in the index.html file located inside C:/InSights_Windows/Server2/grafana-10.0.0/public/views.
<script async="" src="//[[.GoogleTagManagerId]]">
</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Step 6: Click here to download img folder & add all the files inside C:/InSights_Windows/Server2/grafana-10.0.0/public/img.
Step 7:
Create a plugins folder inside C:/InSights_Windows/Server2/grafana-10.0.0/data
Copy the pulgins from DataSources & Panels folder present inside Insights-master/PlatformGrafanaPlugins
Place those folders inside C:/InSights_Windows/Server2/grafana-10.0.0/data/plugins as shown below.
Step 8: Run grafana-server.exe file from the bin folder of Grafana-10.0.0.
Step 9: To create Grafana10.0.0 service use the following command-
C:/InSights_Windows/Server2/nssm-2.24/win64/nssm install Grafana10.0.0
Pass the below path as Argument:
C:/InSights_Windows /Server2/grafana-10.0.0/bin/grafana-server.exe
Then start the Grafana10.0.0 service (nssm start Grafana10.0.0).
Postgres Backup Steps
Stop the Grafana9.5.5 service if running on the instance.
Follow the below steps to backup existing database.
Navigate to <postgres_installation_path>/bin
Backup DB by executing the command pg_dump --username=username --password grafana > grafana_backup
Migration steps for Linux:
Step 1: Download the Grafana10.0.0 zip file from the below URL as shown below.
For RHEL or CentOS and Ubuntu
Step 2: Check whether Grafana9.5.5 is running or not using below command, if running stop, it.
ps -ef|grep grafana
Kill -9 <pid> or sudo service Grafana stop
Step 3: Untar/Unzip the package under /opt folder & run the grafana10.0.0 once as shown below.
tar -zxvf grafana-enterprise-10.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Step 4: Follow the Step 3 up to Step 7 of Grafana 10.0.0 Migration steps for Windows.
If permissions are not there in any of the folders run the below command.
sudo chmod 777 <directory>
Step 5: Run the Grafana10.0.0 with Linux IP: 3000 (ex: 150.98.xx.XX:3000)
Postgres Backup Steps
Login as postgres user su – postgres
Backup DB by executing the command pg_dump --username=username --password grafana > grafana_backup
Sample Testcases for Grafana10.0.0:
Testcase 1: Check whether Grafana10.0.0 version is up and running or not.
Testcase 2: Check whether neo4j & inference data source plugins are working fine or not.
Testcase 3: Check whether all our Insights panels loaded successfully or not.
Inference panel – Plugin
Insights Charts
Testcase 4: Switch and check whether all pre-existing dashboards are loading for different orgs or not.
Testcase 5: Create new users with Admin/Edit/Viewer roles. Check whether you can be able to login, create and edit user functionality in Grafana or not.
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