Grafana 9.5.5 to 10.0.0 migration

Grafana 9.5.5 to 10.0.0 migration

Prerequisite: Insights >= v10.4

From Insights_v10.4 onwards we support Grafana10.0.0 and also migrated the API keys/PDF tokens to service account. Therefore, it is mandatory to refresh Grafana token once before running the Insights dashboard reports per organization.

Migration steps for Windows:

Step 1: Download the Grafana10.0.0 zip from the below URL & unzip it inside C:/InSights_Windows/Server2.


Step 2: Stop Grafana9.5.5 if running on the instance & run the grafana-server.exe file once from Grafana10.0.0/bin/grafana-server.

This is to create data folder.

Step 3: Copy the custom.ini file if present from grafana9.5.5/conf and place it in grafana10.0.0/conf folder. The following properties needs to be updated in default.ini file.


# Either "mysql", "postgres" or "sqlite3", it's your choice

type = (database type)

host = (database host)

name = grafana

user = (username)

# If the password contains # or; you have to wrap it with triple quotes. Ex """#password;"""

password =

# set to true if you want to allow browsers to render Grafana in a <frame>, <iframe>, <embed> or <object>. default is false.
allow_embedding = true


# Enter a comma-separated list of plugin identifiers to identify plugins to load even if they are unsigned. Plugins with modified signatures are never loaded.

allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = cts-neo-4-j-4-0,Inference,cde-inference-plugin,cognizant-insights-charts

These are unsigned plugins, so we have to allow loading plugins. If this property is not set, we don’t see the plugins in Grafana10.0.0.


# tuning. 0 disables Live, -1 means unlimited connections.

max_connections = 0

Step 4:

  • Click here to download master.zip & unzip it.

  • Copy the iSight_ui3.js from Insights-master/PlatformGrafanaPlugins/ScriptedDashboard & place it inside grafana10.0.0/public/dashboards as shown below.

Step 5: Include the below script tags in the index.html file located inside C:/InSights_Windows/Server2/grafana-10.0.0/public/views

<script async="" src="//www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=[[.GoogleTagManagerId]]">

</script><script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>

Step 6: Click here to download img folder & add all the files inside C:/InSights_Windows/Server2/grafana-10.0.0/public/img

Step 7:

  • Create a plugins folder inside C:/InSights_Windows/Server2/grafana-10.0.0/data

  • Copy the pulgins from DataSources & Panels folder present inside Insights-master/PlatformGrafanaPlugins

  • Place those folders inside C:/InSights_Windows/Server2/grafana-10.0.0/data/plugins as shown below.

Step 8: Run grafana-server.exe file from the bin folder of Grafana-10.0.0.

Step 9: To create Grafana10.0.0 service use the following command-

C:/InSights_Windows/Server2/nssm-2.24/win64/nssm install Grafana10.0.0

Pass the below path as Argument:

C:/InSights_Windows /Server2/grafana-10.0.0/bin/grafana-server.exe

Then start the Grafana10.0.0 service (nssm start Grafana10.0.0).


Postgres Backup Steps

  • Stop the Grafana9.5.5 service if running on the instance.

  • Follow the below steps to backup existing database.

  • Navigate to <postgres_installation_path>/bin

  • Backup DB by executing the command pg_dump --username=username --password grafana > grafana_backup


Migration steps for Linux:

Step 1: Download the Grafana10.0.0 zip file from the below URL as shown below.

For RHEL or CentOS and Ubuntu

wget https://dl.grafana.com/enterprise/release/grafana-enterprise-10.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Step 2: Check whether Grafana9.5.5 is running or not using below command, if running stop, it.

ps -ef|grep grafana

Kill -9 <pid> or sudo service Grafana stop

Step 3: Untar/Unzip the package under /opt folder & run the grafana10.0.0 once as shown below.

tar -zxvf grafana-enterprise-10.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz


Step 4: Follow the Step 3 up to Step 7 of Grafana 10.0.0 Migration steps for Windows.

If permissions are not there in any of the folders run the below command.

sudo chmod 777 <directory>

Step 5: Run the Grafana10.0.0 with Linux IP: 3000 (ex: 150.98.xx.XX:3000)


Postgres Backup Steps

  • Login as postgres user su – postgres

  • Backup DB by executing the command pg_dump --username=username --password grafana > grafana_backup


Sample Testcases for Grafana10.0.0:

Testcase 1: Check whether Grafana10.0.0 version is up and running or not.

Testcase 2: Check whether neo4j & inference data source plugins are working fine or not.

Testcase 3: Check whether all our Insights panels loaded successfully or not.

  • Inference panel – Plugin

  • Insights Charts

Testcase 4: Switch and check whether all pre-existing dashboards are loading for different orgs or not.

Testcase 5: Create new users with Admin/Edit/Viewer roles. Check whether you can be able to login, create and edit user functionality in Grafana or not.



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