AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service) Provider Configuration
To move toward Cloud Native, Insights Application added support for AWS SQS along with RabbitMQ. Many clients already have subscribed to Amazon SQS and like to use it as middleware.
Insights >= 10.1
If you are migrating from RabbitMQ, follow the Migration section below.
AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) user with access to AWS SQS.
Credentials awsAccessKey and awsSecretKey need to be generated, please refer below link to generate credentials:
Migrating from RabbitMQ:
Follow the below steps before proceeding with the AWS SQS setup process:
Stop All Agent.
Consume all data from queue.
Stop Engine, Daemon Agent, and Platform Service.
Enable AWS SQS support using following section (Steps to setup AWS SQS as integrator)
Start all Agent
Start Engine, Daemon Agent, and platform service
Steps to setup AWS SQS as integrator:
Open a terminal and run “pip install boto3“.
Download the latest artifacts and replace them.
Platform Service:
In the server-config.json file under the messageQueue section update “AWSSQS” as the providerName.Also update the generated awsRegion, awsAccessKey and awsSecretKey in the messageQueue section.
"messageQueue": {
"providerName": "AWSSQS",
"awsAccessKey": "",
"awsSecretKey": "",
"awsRegion": ""
"host": "localhost",
"port": 5672,
"user": "iSight",
"password": "iSight",
"prefetchCount": 5,
"enableDeadLetterExchange": true,
Agent Daemon:
Open config.json of daemon agent and under the mqConfig section update “AWSSQS” as the providerName. Also update the generated awsRegion, awsAccessKey and awsSecretKey in the mqConfig section.Insights Webhook Subscriber:
Open and update the below properties
Agent Configuration:
Create/update agent config through UI, use providerName as AWSSQS and other AWS properties like awsRegion, awsAccessKey and awsSecretKey and restart the agent services.Perform above activity for all Agent
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