Grafana User/Dashboard Statistics
In order to use this feature , please use OneDevOps Insights v7.8 and above artifacts.
Download Loki and Promtail .
Install Loki and Promtail as per OS or configure it as service.
Use Latest Neo4j Plugin for this feature.
Use the below sample config files to start with initial setup.
Note : Please modify the filename, loki url, path in the below config as per OS and need. Path is to mention the place of position.yaml storage and loki chunks data storage.
We have recently upgraded Loki to version 2.9.5. Refer to the page Loki 2.9.5 Configuration Update for latest configuration.
Start the Loki and Promtail and configure the datasources in Grafana as below.
Once Loki/Prometheus datasources are configured, Enable logging in Neo4j DB datasource.
This should be enabled/disabled for Neo4j datasources created for all organizations. Also provide the service URL (<protocol>://DOMAIN_NAME/PlatformService/externalApi/Neo4jPluginLog/logDashboardInfo) to collect the necessary information.
PlatformService logs all dashboard information including user details in PlaformGrafanaSerice.log
Promtail reads PlaformGrafanaSerice.log and pushes the logs to Loki.
Use LogQL and PromQL as datasource to create Grafana usage statistic dashboards.
Use below attached sample dashboard template for basic Usage statistics
Once above template is imported, try to access any dashboard configured with above neo4j plugin , you should be able to see the Usage Statistics.
Play around with LogQL and PromQL for more advance KPIs.
©2021 Cognizant, all rights reserved. US Patent 10,410,152