Vault Configuration with PostgreSQL DB

Vault Configuration with PostgreSQL DB

Vault Configuration with PostgreSQL DB

To configure vault with storage as “PostgreSQL ” and search engine as “database” do the following configuration.

  • Create new Database in vault name as “insightsvault” in PostgreSQL

  • Add following date table inside new database

CREATE TABLE vault_kv_store ( parent_path TEXT COLLATE "C" NOT NULL, path TEXT COLLATE "C", key TEXT COLLATE "C", value BYTEA, CONSTRAINT pkey PRIMARY KEY (path, key) ); CREATE INDEX parent_path_idx ON vault_kv_store (parent_path); CREATE TABLE vault_ha_locks ( ha_key TEXT COLLATE "C" NOT NULL, ha_identity TEXT COLLATE "C" NOT NULL, ha_value TEXT COLLATE "C", valid_until TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT ha_key PRIMARY KEY (ha_key) );
  • Create new vault_config.hcl add following configuration in it

storage "postgresql" { connection_url = "postgresql://grafana:grafana@localhost:5432/insightsvault?sslmode=disable" } ui = true log_level="trace" plugin_directory="C:\\Insights\\vault_1.5.5_windows_amd64\\plugins" listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_disable = 1 } api_addr = "" cluster_addr = "" raw_storage_endpoint=true
vault plugin register -sha256=d3f0a8be02f6c074cf38c9c99d4d04c9c6466249 auth postgresql-database-plugin
  • Enable database Secrets Engine plugins:

vault secrets enable database
  • Default path is “database” If you want to change path then run following command

vault secrets enable -path=client1/database
  • Configure Vault with the proper plugin and connection information

vault write database/config/insightsvault plugin_name=postgresql-database-plugin allowed_roles="*" connection_url="postgresql://{{username}}:{{password}}@localhost:5432?sslmode=disable" username="grafana" password="grafana"
  • Configure a role that maps a name in Vault to an SQL statement to execute to create the database credential, make sure that your db_name and database/config/<name> will be same

vault write database/roles/insightsvaultrole db_name=insightsvault creation_statements="CREATE ROLE \"{{name}}\" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '{{password}}' VALID UNTIL '{{expiration}}'; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO \"{{name}}\";" default_ttl="1h" max_ttl="24h"
  • Call following POST API store data

http://<host>:<port>/v1/sys/raw/<secret Engine from server config>/<clientId>/ serverConfig


This API need two header X-Vault-Token and host, X-Vault-Token is root token

  • Call following GET API to fetch data from vault

http://<host>:<port>/v1/sys/raw/<secret Engine from server config>/<clientId>/ serverConfig


This API need two header X-Vault-Token and host, X-Vault-Token is root token

  • Create new user name and password to login to vault API rather than using root token.

  • Unsealed vault and check storage Engine.


©2021 Cognizant, all rights reserved. US Patent 10,410,152