Hardware Required

Hardware Required

Please check the machine requirements required to install Insights on this page.

Note: Hardware requirement changes with data size and should be periodically reassessed.

 Network Ports
  • Neo4j : 7474, 7473(https), 7687(Neo4j Bolt)
  • Grafana : 3000
  • InSights Application Service and UI : 8080, 8081
  • Rabbit MQ : 5672 and 15672
  • PostgreSQL : 5432
  • InSights: 8080/app
  • Elastic Search (Optional) : 9200

Note: Port access for all required DevOps tools to collect data from.

 Machine 1

Machine 1: 

Installations and Network Details   
Machine 1 (Backend Server)PortInboundOutbound
Neo4j 4.4.4 7473 ,7474 and 7687Machine 2 (Application Server)NA

 Machine 2

Machine 2:

Installations and Network Details   
Machine 2 (Application Server)PortInboundOutbound

Grafana 10.0.0 

3000All Internal NetworkNA
InSights Application Service and UI 8080/8081All Internal NetworkNA

Python 3.10.2

Rabbit MQ 3.9.13 (Requires Erlang (exe installation)5672 and 15672Open Internally to the serverNA
PostgreSQL 12 (Zip Distribution) 5432Open Internally to the serverNA
Python Agents (Data Collection)Ports for different tools in eco system for ex : Jenkins, Rundeck, Sonar, Bitbucket etcNAOutbound ports open for rest api communication to different tools
Vault (Optional)8200Open Internally to the serverNA

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