Migration of Server Config Credentials to Vault
In order to store all application credential in secret way, now store your server config inside vault which is backup by postgres. Application also provide facility to update all configuration using UI.
Application side configuration
Installing fresh Insights application
With Vault
Configure Vault with Storage Engine as postgres, all configuration steps mention in Annexure A
Add following minimum configuration inside Insights INSIGHTS_HOME\.InSights\server-config.json
"vault": {
"isVaultEnable": true,
"vaultEndPoint": "",
"secretEngine": "database-insights",
"vaultToken": "<vault root token>"
Make sure that isVaultEnable = true with correct vault token, Vault is started and unsealed
Start Tomcat application
Login Insights UI with basic grafana credential using user ‘admin’ most probably password is ‘admin’
On successful login, It will load server configuration on UI, do the respective changes
Save the changes, It will store all your configuration in vault in encrypted format
If you want to edit any field in server configuration then use Insights UI
With Native Grafana authentication there is no need to restart tomcat, it automatically loads server config changes.
In case of SSO, initial login will be with initial grafana credential, do respective changes and restart tomcat.
Without Vault
Either configuration start with minimum configuration mention below
"vault": {
"isVaultEnable": false,
"vaultEndPoint": "",
"secretEngine": "",
"vaultToken": ""
Start Tomcat application
Login Insights UI with basic grafana credential using user ‘admin’ most probably password is ‘admin’
On successful login, It will load server configuration on UI, do the respective changes
Server config changes store in file system with unencrypted format
With Native Grafana authentication there is no need to restart tomcat, it automatically loads server config changes.
In case of SSO, initial login will be with initial grafana credential, do respective changes and restart tomcat.
Another way is to configure server config directly on file system INSIGHTS_HOME\.InSights\server-config.json and restart tomcat
Upgrade Insights Application
With Vault
Configure Vault with Storage Engine as “postgres” all configuration steps mention in Annexure A
Backup your existing server config json file
Add following minimum configuration inside Insights INSIGHTS_HOME\.InSights\server-config.json
"vault": {
"isVaultEnable": true,
"vaultEndPoint": "",
"secretEngine": "database-insights",
"vaultToken": "<vault root token>"
Make sure that isVaultEnable = true with correct vault token, Vault is started and unsealed
Start Tomcat application
Login Insights UI with basic grafana credential using user ‘admin’ most probably password is ‘admin’
On successful login, It will load server configuration on UI, do the respective changes copy detai from your backup server config
Save the changes, It will store all your configuration in vault in encrypted format
If you want to edit any field in server configuration then use Insights UI
With Native Grafana authentication there is no need to restart tomcat, it automatically loads server config changes.
In case of SSO, initial login will be with initial grafana credential, do respective changes and restart tomcat.
Agent Changes with Vault
If existing application have agent configured with vault then it is mandatory to upgrade it using following steps
Login to Insights UI , go to Agent Configuration
Changes Agent version >= 7.3
Update all your secret again so that it will store in new vault
Restart agent
New Agent Registration will affect with these changes
Without Vault configuration
Upgrade to version >= 7.3 without vault, It will not affect anything, It is routine update.
Annexure A
Vault Changes With postgres DB connection
To configure vault with storage as “postgresql” and search engine as “database” do the following configuration.
Create new vault_config.hcl add following configuration in it
storage "postgresql" {
connection_url = "postgresql://grafana:grafana@localhost:5432/insightsvault?sslmode=disable"
ui = true
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_disable = 1
api_addr = ""
cluster_addr = ""
Create one plugins directory inside vault and mention “plugin_directory” path inside vault_config.hcl
Download latest plugin from https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/tree/master/plugins/database/postgresql and store \ postgresql-database-plugin folder inside plugin_directory path
Run following command from command prompt to install plugin in vault
vault plugin register -sha256=d3f0a8be02f6c074cf38c9c99d4d04c9c6466249 auth postgresql-database-plugin
Enable database Secrets Engine plugins:
vault secrets enable database
Default path is “database” If you want to change path then run following command
vault secrets enable -path=client1/database
Create new Database in vault name as “insightsvault”
Add following date table inside new database
CREATE TABLE vault_kv_store (
parent_path TEXT COLLATE "C" NOT NULL,
value BYTEA,
CREATE INDEX parent_path_idx ON vault_kv_store (parent_path);
CREATE TABLE vault_ha_locks (
ha_identity TEXT COLLATE "C" NOT NULL,
ha_value TEXT COLLATE "C",
Configure Vault with the proper plugin and connection information
vault write database/config/insightsvault plugin_name=postgresql-database-plugin allowed_roles="*" connection_url="postgresql://{{username}}:{{password}}@localhost:5432?sslmode=disable" username="grafana" password="grafana"
Configure a role that maps a name in Vault to an SQL statement to execute to create the database credential
vault write database/roles/insightsvaultrole db_name=insightsvault creation_statements="CREATE ROLE \"{{name}}\" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '{{password}}' VALID UNTIL '{{expiration}}'; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO \"{{name}}\";" default_ttl="1h" max_ttl="24h"
make sure that your db_name and database/config/<name> will be same
Call following POST API store data
http://<host>:<port>/v1/sys/raw/<secret Engine from server config>/<clientId>/ serverConfig
This API need two header X-Vault-Token and host, X-Vault-Token is root token
Call following GET API to fetch data from vault
http://<host>:<port>/v1/sys/raw/<secret Engine from server config>/<clientId>/ serverConfig
This API need two header X-Vault-Token and host, X-Vault-Token is root token
Create new user name and password to login to vault API rather then using root token
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