PGAdmin and Linux Postgres Connectivity via SSH Tunnel Configuration

PGAdmin and Linux Postgres Connectivity via SSH Tunnel Configuration

Find all the steps to setup PostgresDB on Linux machine on this page.

  • PostgresDB installed on Linux Machine
 Steps for setup

Step 1:

Step 2:

  • In you have installed postgres, open pg_hba.conf, and check  IP- is used in that file. If so, we can use localhost for SSH tunneling to connect PGAdmin.


  • If you have changed to in  pg_hba.conf, we can use either localhost or Linux IP  for SSH tunneling to connect PGAdmin


For Insights development, IP is configured as So we can use localhost.


If you have already installed postgres refer below link to configure-postgresql-to-allow-remote-Connection -


Step 3:

  • Open putty and input IP, Select SSH->Auth->Tunnels. Enter Source port as 5432,  and Destination as localhost:5432. (See screenshot below)                                                                                                                                                                      


Step 4:

  • Browse and select the PPK file for opening that box. (See screenshot below)

Step 6:

  • Click Open and check the login screen opens. (See screenshot below)

Step 7:

  • Check 5432 port is listening using the netstat command in linux box. (See screenshot below)

Step 8:

  • Click and open installed PgAdminPortable on your windows box. (See screenshot below)

Step 9:

  • Choose File -> Add Server. (See screenshot below)

Step 10:

  • Give the details Name, Host, Port and Password in server registration window. (See screenshot below)


Create password for postgres using passwd command(Ex- passwd postgres) and click OK.

Step 11:

  • Click OK for password. (See screenshot below) 

Step 12:

  • Postgres Databases are configured successfully. (See screenshot below) 

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