JWT application Setup

JWT application Setup

Follow the below instructions to setup the parent and child applications for testing the JWT authentication protocol.

Parent Application resides in the beta server. Below are the steps to start the parent application:

  1. Stop the InSightsService and InsightsUI.

  2. Navigate to C:\InSights\Insights_Deployment\Server2\apache-tomcat\webapps\newapp\config

  3. In the uiConfig.json file, under the singleSignOnConfig section, update the JWTIframeURL with - “https://<CHILD_APP_DOMAIN>/insights/#/login“

  4. Start the Apache Tomcat 9.0 Tomcat9 service to run the Parent Application UI.

  5. Download the PlatformService-10.0.jar and run it to start the PlatformService.


Child Application resides in the new saml server. Below are the steps to start the parent application:

  1. Stop the InSightsService and insights_ui.

  2. Change the authenticationProtocol to JWT in both uiConfig.json and server-config.json.

  3. Add the ParentApplication domain in trusted host if not already present.

  4. In the server-config.json file, under the singleSignOnConfig section, update the jwtTokenOriginServerURL property with the ParentApplication url [https://example.com].

  5. In the uiConfig.json file, update the jwtTokenOriginServerURL property with the ParentApplication URL [https://example.com ].

  6. Start the InSightsService and insights_ui.

JWT authentication Protocol Testing Steps:

  1. Navigate to the https://<PARENT_APP_DOMAIN>/newapp.

  2. This will show us the old insights UI, successful application start-up will show the logo.

  3. Login to the application and Navigate to Insights App under Configuration section.

  4. The child application will be loaded as an iframe inside the Parent Application.

  5. Navigate to the various sections of the child application to verify the JWT authentication protocol.

©2021 Cognizant, all rights reserved. US Patent 10,410,152