Insights Purging(Neo4j)

Insights Purging(Neo4j)

Looking for Neo4j purging?

    This setup includes the steps to perform Neo4j data purging and back up in Elastic search.

  • The logic is about deleting data in Neo4j every 6 months using delete query and maintaining the data in ES (Note: it will happen in batch processing - In process of automation) 
  • This is done to show old single stat dashboards using ES.
  • Old Correlational dashboard like traceability might not work which are dependent on Neo4j data
 Steps For Setup

Step 1:

  • Stop Neo4j

Step 2:

  • Open neo4j.conf, append _mm-yyyy  (mm-yyyy is current month and year) to existing ES index name
  • This helps to pertain the data in previous index of ES
  • Time factor based naming convention helps to purge data in ES

Step 3:

  • Start Neo4j

Step 4:

  • We need to delete / purge nodes and there are multiple ways to do it

  • We can use bolt protocol (rest call) to delete

  • Example Query: (MATCH (n:CI)  with n as n,toInt(n.inSightsTimeDate) as time where time<(timestamp()/1000)-340*86400  delete n)
  • Note: It will happen in batch processing - In process of automation 

Step 5:

  • Repeat Steps 1-4 to to delete data in Neo4j and backup in ES

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