Insight Migration

Insight Migration

Precaution before the migration process:

  1. Take backup of the Neo4j Database.
  2. Backup of the tracking.json and config file of all the  agents 
  3. Export all the dasboards.

General steps for the migration of Insights irrespective of the InSights Version and Operating System

  1. Stop all the agents
  2. Allow all the messages in rabbitmq to be consumed.
  3. Stop Engine.
  4. Stop Tomcat.
  5. Delete PlatformService folder, Platformservcice.war file, and app folder in location tomcat folder:  /apache-tomcat/webapps
  6. Copy latest  PlatformService.war file in apache-tomcat/webapps/ from the URL:https://github.com/CognizantOneDevOps/Insights/releases/download/v9.2/PlatformService-9.2.war
  7. Unzip the package https://github.com/CognizantOneDevOps/Insights/releases/download/v9.2/PlatformUI3-9.2.zip and copy "app" in the location  /apache-tomcat/webapps
  8. Update the uiconfig.json file  with the server  IP file location: /apache-tomcat/webapps/app/config/uiConfig.json
  9. Start Tomcat
  10. Navigate to $insightsengine folder delete the PlatformEngine.jar file 
  11. Download PlatformEngine.jar file from https://github.com/CognizantOneDevOps/Insights/releases/download/v9.2/PlatformEngine-9.2.jar and place it in the same folder $insighstengine
  12. Start  Platform engine.
  13. Start all the agents

For the latest InSights version  refer https://github.com/CognizantOneDevOps/Insights/releases

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