PostgreSQL Troubleshooting

PostgreSQL Troubleshooting

Please follow the below instructions to troubleshoot PostgreSQL - 

  1. Delete the existing PostgreSQL setup.
  2. Copy the PostgreSQL setup from deployment zip.
  3. Update the PostgreSQL directory name. Sometimes same name causes windows registry issues.
  4. Update the PostgreSQL directory details in Postgresql-12-DB-SetUp.bat and Postgresql-12-DB-StartUp.bat
  5. Run Postgresql-12-DB-SetUp.bat as non admin user
  6. Validate if following databases are created in PostegreSQL:
    • Grafana
    • InSights
    • Postgres
  7. Run Postgresql-12-DB-StartUp.bat in separate command prompt.
  8. Start Grafana (required to initialize the Grafana specific DB)

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