Linux Reboot Troubleshooting Instructions
This page contains instructions to troubleshoot Linux OS reboot issue.
Click here to download installation scripts.
CentOS and RHEL Troubleshooting
After CentOS or RHEL server reboot/restarted then we need to start some services, Use following command to start in sequence
- To start elasticsearch service
- /etc/init.d/elasticsearch restart
- To Start Neo4j Service
- Go to initscripts directory, If you do not have that please download it from GIT or Nexus3 DocRoot Repo
- ./ start
- Usage Neo4j {start|stop|restart|status}
- To start Grafana service
- Go to initscripts directory, If you do not have that please download it from GIT or Nexus3 DocRoot Repo
- ./ start
- Usage Grafana {start|stop|restart|status}
- To restart Tomcat
- sudo service Tomcat8 stop
- sudo service Tomcat8 start
- To start Platform Service/ InSightEngine jar
- Go to initscripts directory, If you do not have that please download it from GIT or Nexus3 DocRoot Repo
- ./ start
- Usage InSightsEngine {start|stop|restart|status}
- To start RabbitMq
- /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server status
- /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server start
- To start Demon Agent service
- sudo service InSightsDaemonAgent status
- sudo service InSightsDaemonAgent start
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