PlatformService and UI Migration / Installation

PlatformService and UI Migration / Installation


With Insights v10.0, we are moving away from using Apache Tomcat to serve the application. Going forward, PlatformService will use embedded tomcat and run as a JAR application and UI will be run as Node.js application using ExpressJS. Follow the below steps to Migrate to Insights v10.0.

For fresh installation skip STEP 1 and start from STEP 2.


Disabling Apache Tomcat:

  1. cd /etc/init.d/

  2. service [Tomcat servicename] stop

  3. rm [Tomcat servicename]

  1. Stop the Apache Tomcat Service

  2. sc delete [Tomcat servicename]

  1. systemctl stop [Tomcat servicename]

  2. systemctl disable [Tomcat servicename]



Installing & Running PlatformService & UI:

UI will now be accessible on port 8081. Follow the below steps to run the PlatformService and UI:

Download and run the insights_UI_Service.sh file from GitHub repository [insights_UI_Service.sh]

Download and run the insights_UI_Service.sh file from GitHub repository [insights_UI_Service.sh]

Starting / Restarting / Stopping PlatformService:

Starting / Restarting / Stopping UI:

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