This page contains instructions to troubleshoot Linux OS reboot issue.
Click here to download init scripts from Nexus3 DocRoot Raw repo.
CentOS and RHEL Troubleshooting
After CentOS or RHEL server reboot/restarted then we need to start some services, Use following command to start in sequence
- To start elasticsearch service
- /etc/init.d/elasticsearch restart
- To Start Neo4j Service
- Go to initscripts directory, If you do not have that please download it from GIT or Nexus3 DocRoot Repo
- ./ start
- Usage Neo4j {start|stop|restart|status}
- To start Grafana service
- Go to initscripts directory, If you do not have that please download it from GIT or Nexus3 DocRoot Repo
- ./ start
- Usage Grafana {start|stop|restart|status}
- To restart Tomcat
- sudo service Tomcat8 stop
- sudo service Tomcat8 start
- To start Platform Service/ InSightEngine jar
- Go to initscripts directory, If you do not have that please download it from GIT or Nexus3 DocRoot Repo
- ./ start
- Usage InSightsEngine {start|stop|restart|status}
- To start RabbitMq
- /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server status
- /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server start
- To start Demon Agent service
- sudo service InSightsDaemonAgent status
- sudo service InSightsDaemonAgent start