
Actions and Commands

The Commands and Actions GitHub Bot can perform :


GitHub Status

repo commiters <reponame>

Repo Committers

repo top-commiters <reponame>

Repo Top-Committers

show issues for <repo>

Show Issues

merge <username>/<repo>/<head> into <base>


show <repo> pulls

Show Pull Request

hubot repo show <repo>

Show Repo Activity

repo commiters <reponame>

Create a repository inside an organization

create orgrepo <reponame> in <orgname>

Create a repository

create repo <reponame>

List repository(ies)

list my repos

Create a branch

create branch <newbranchname> in <reponame> from <existingbranchname>

Delete a branch

delete branch <branchname> from <reponame>

Invite a user(collaborators) to a GitHub repo

invite <invitee_gituser_name> to <reponame>

Delete repository(ies)

delete repo <reponame>

List Collaborators of a Repo

list collaborators of <reponame>


               → Actions available by default

               → Actions enriched by OneDevOps | OnBot