BuildOn buildlog URL not working

BuildOn buildlog URL not working


BuildOn BuildLog URL is not working - https://buildon.cogdevops.com/buildon/HistoricCIWebController?commitId=<commitid>

Example URL with sample commitid: https://buildon.cogdevops.com/buildon/HistoricCIWebController?commitId=e9fd4bd


tomcat is down

OneDevOpsBuildOn AWS LoadBalancer is Out Of Service.


  1. Restart tomcat in buildon master machine where your have installed tomcat.

             service tomcat8 retsart

      2. Change/Update buildon AWS LB to get back the status as "In Service"

Try the build log url and it will work now.

BuildOn Log URL:  https://buildon.cogdevops.com/buildon/HistoricCIWebController?commitId=<commitid>

Example URL with sample commitid: https://buildon.cogdevops.com/buildon/HistoricCIWebController?commitId=e9fd4bd