Azure webhook infrastructure for high availability of the webhook functionality that means if Insights is down for sometime, payloads from devops tools should not be missed.
Fill the required details in all the given tabs (Basic, Networking…etc.) and click on Review + create.
Choose Subscription and Resource Group.
Storage account name: insightswebhookstorage.
Account kind: StorageV2
Leave Replication as it is.
Access Tier: Hot
After clicking create button, a new page will be opened where you can see your storage account deployment. Deployment will take approx. 1 minutes to complete.
After completing deployment, click on Go to Resource button to go inside storage account.
Click on containers tab in the overview section or select from left menu.
Create 3 new containers by click on + container button with names:
Select Public access level as Container for all the containers.
Click on 3 dots given on the right side and then click on Access policy to create policy.
Click on + Add Policy button under stored access policy and fill the details to create policy as follows:
Fill Identifier as Insights(You may change)
Select all permissions.
Select start time and end time.
Click OK button.
After clicking OK, Click on Save button to save policy.
Repeat these steps for all containers.
Download the zip file from the nexus repository( to your local system.
Follow the steps to upload zip file into the container:
Click on functionapp container to go inside container.
Click on upload button.
Select the zip file from the local system.
Select checkbox Overwrite if files already exist.
Click on advanced and change the Blob type to Block Blob and Block size to 100 MB.
Click on Upload button.
Click on the zip filename and copy the URL from the overview section and paste it in notepad.
Click on containers from the left menu and copy the names of the two container i.e. insightswebhookevents and failedwebhookevents and paste it on notepad.
Go to insightswebhookstorage storage account.
Click on Properties under settings in the left menu and copy the value of Primary Blob Service Endpoint and paste it on notepad.
Click on Access Keys under settings in the left menu and copy the value of storage account name and Key of Key1 and paste it on notepad.
Make sure you have 6 values present somewhere as shown in the below image
Choose Region where your storage account is created.
Select insightswebhookstorage option in Storage account.
Operating System: Windows
Choose Plan type as per needs.
Enable Application Insights: Yes
Application Insights: Create New
Click on Review+ Create button and then review the filled details and click on create.
After clicking create button, a new page will be opened where you can see your function app deployment. Deployment will take approx. 2-3 minutes to complete.
After completing deployment, click on Go to Resource button to go inside function app.
Please reference to the images given below:
Click on configuration under configured features
Click on + New application setting button
Fill the name and values and click OK. Repeat this step for all the values of the table given below and click on Save button.
Copy the values from the notepad we stored before while setting up azure storage.
Note: Please do not change the Application Setting Name while adding application settings.