Want to create a new Mathematical Function/Action?
It's simple! Learn to create customized Mathematical Function/Action in InSights Inference on this page.
In order to run create a new Mathematical Function/Action in InSights Inference, there are changes that should be made in list of files shown on this page. Please adhere the following instructions, and make respective changes -
On this page:
Changes in ConfigAttributes.java
Browse the directory - "%WORKSPACE%\Insights\PlatformInsights\src\main\java\com\cognizant\devops\platforminsights\core\enums\ConfigAttributes.java"
%WORKSPACE% is the directory which contains InSights - Development Platform.
Add the changes in ConfigAttributes.java as highlighted below.
package com.cognizant.devops.platformcommons.core.enums;
public enum ExecutionActions {
AVERAGE, COUNT, MINMAX, (Add your new Mathematical Function/Action Name here)
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