Step 1:
Step 2:
- Unzip the package and replace below files present in conf folder from older grafana version or download from nexus repository.
- default.ini (click here to download default.ini)
- ldap.toml
- custom.ini (if needed)
Step 3:
Particularly server, database, auth.proxy, allow_loading_unsigned_plugins section of default.ini need to be change if required in migration.
neo4j-datasource,Inference,cde-inference-plugin,cde-fusion-panel plugins are not signed plugins so we have to allow loading these plugins using the property as below. If this property is not set, we don’t see the plugins in Grafana.
allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = neo4j-datasource,Inference,cde-inference-plugin,cde-fusion-panel
Step 4:
- Copy the iSight_ui3.js from the older version and place it inside grafana-8.4.3/public/dashboards.

Step 5:
- Paste the below line in index.xml inside C:\InSights_Windows\Server2\grafana-8.4.3\public\views
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Step 6:
- Click here to download plugins zip.
- Unzip and place it inside data folder.

Step 7:
Postgres Backup Steps
- Stop the previous version of Grafana running on the instance.
- Follow the below steps to backup existing database
- Navigate to <postgres_installation_path>/bin
- Backup DB by executing the command pg_dump --username=username --password grafana > grafana_backup
Step 8:
create Grafana service using following command (change the nssm or grafana-8.4.3 if needed)
C:\Insights_Deployment\Server2\nssm-2.24\win64\nssm install Grafana8.4.3 "C:\Insights_Deployment\Server2\grafana-8.4.3\bin\grafana-server.exe"
Start the Grafana8.4.3 service.