Have you added an Access Group?
Pre-requisite: User can only be added in existing Access groups. Please add an Access group by Navigating to Insights UI if you haven't added one.
Once an Access group is created, you can add the User to the Access group by click "User" button in Grafana UI.
The steps are given below-
Select the Access Group
- Select the Access Group name from the drop-down list.
Click "Setting Icon" button in Grafana UI
- Select "User" in the list.
Click "Invite" button in Grafana UI
Enter the username
- It is expected that user has once logged into Insights application through LDAP/AD connectivity or is present in Grafana/PostgreSQL database.
Select the role of the user from the drop down box
- Select the role of the User - Admin, Editor, Viewer or Read only Editor.
Check the checkbox of "Send Invite email and Click on "Invite" button.
- Admin has the full authority over the system.
- Editor can edit the content with some restrictions (Full access is not granted).
- Viewer can only view the content.