Actions and Commands
The Commands and Actions Scalr Bot can Perform :
Actions | Commands | Open Source |
List Farms | print scalr farms | No |
List the servers in a specified Farm ID | print scalr server <farm-id> | No |
Clone the Farms | create env <env_type> for <new_farm> using <old_farm> | No |
Create Farm | create farm <farm-name> | No |
List Scripts | list scripts | No |
Launch farm | launch farm <farm-id> | No |
Execute a script on a server in a Farm | execute script <script-id> in server <serverid> | No |
Delete a Farm | delete farm <farm-id> | No |
Resume/Suspend a server in a Farm | resume farm <farm-id> / suspend farm <farm-id> | No |
Terminate Farm | terminate farm <farm-id> | No |
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