This is the most important configuration file in Insights product. It is required to run WAR file, Platform engine jar as well as Insights Spark jar. It is important to keep the server-config.json updated with the latest changes. Find the various components of server-config.json on this page.
server-config.json file is present at "%INSIGHTS_HOME%" environment variable path location.
Click the following link to check sample of server-config.json file -
Components of server-config.json
Component | Significance | |
"endpointData": { "elasticSearchEndpoint": "http://localhost:9200" } |
| |
"sparkConfigurations": { "appName" : "inSights", "master" : "local[*]", "sparkExecutorMemory" : "8g", "sparkElasticSearchHost": "http://localhost", "sparkElasticSearchPort": "9200", "sparkElasticSearchConfigIndex": "spark-jobs-conf/configs", "sparkElasticSearchResultIndex": "spark-jobs-conf/kpiresults", "kpiSize": "30", "sparkResultSince": 5, "sparkMasterExecutionEndPoint":"http://localhost:4040" } |
| |
"ldapConfiguration": { "ldapUrl" : "ldap://ldaphost:389", "bindDN": "BindDN", "bindPassword": "Passwd", "searchBaseDN": "DC=XX,DC=XX", "searchFilter": "(sAMAccountName={0})", "ldapAttributes": { "name": "givenname", "surname": "sn", "memberOf": "", "email": "mail", "username": "sAMAccountName" } } |
| |
"graph": { "endpoint": "http://localhost:7474", "authToken": "bmVvNGo6QzBnbml6YW50QDE=" } |
| |
"grafana": { "grafanaEndpoint": "http://localhost:3000", "grafanaDBEndpoint": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/grafana", "adminUserName": "admin", "adminUserPassword": "admin", "dbUserName": "user", "dbPassword": "password" } |
| |
"postgre": { "userName" : "user", "password" : "password", "insightsDBUrl": "jdbc:postgresql://", "grafanaDBUrl": "jdbc:postgresql://" } |
| |
"messageQueue": { } |
| |
"agentDetails": { "docrootUrl": "", } |
| |
"queryCache": { "esCacheIndex": "neo4j-cached-results-custom" } |
| |
"insightsServiceURL": "https://localhost:8080" |
| |
"disableAuth": false |
| |
"enableNativeUsers": true |
| |
"insightsTimeZone": "US/Central" |
| |
"enableOnlineDatatagging": true |
| |
"enableOnlineBackup": true |
| |
"autheticationProtocol":"NativeGrafana" |