Upgrade Grafana
Stop the previous version of Grafana service running on the instance and change the start type as Manual
Follow the below steps to backup existing database
Navigate to <postgres_installation_path>/bin
Backup DB using by executing the command pg_dump --username=username --password=password grafana > grafana_backup
Download Garfana 7 and Run it as Service
Dashboard Migration
Please note “singlestat” plugin is deprecated in Grafana 7
Export Dashboards as json file from the previous Grafana version
change the following fields inside targets array of export json file
“target” to “queryText”
“rawQuery” to “table”
“hide”: true to “hide”: false
"targets": [ { "checkQuery": false, "hide": false, "table": true, "refId": "A", "queryText": "<query>" } ],