Tip |
This is the most important configuration file in Insights product. It is required to run WAR file, Platform engine jar as well as Report jar. It is important to keep the server-config.json updated with the latest changes. Find the various components of server-config.json on this page. |
Introduction :
This is most important file in Insights Application which contain all necessary configuration to run product
Configuration from UI :
Go to section Configuration –> server configuration
Update all value and save the record
check mandatory field in Mandatory Fields/Sections mentioned below
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Sample Server Config Json file
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Configure Vault with Storage Engine as PostgreSQL, all configuration steps mention in Vault Configuration with PostgreSQL DB Add following minimum configuration inside Insights INSIGHTS_HOME\.InSights\server-config.json Code Block | | ||||
"password": "", "insightsDBUrl": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/insight", "grafanaDBUrl": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/grafana", }, "messageQueue": { "host": "localhost", "user": "", "password": "", }, "singleSignOnConfig": { "tokenSigningKey": "insights_IDP_CogDevops_SSO_Token_string", }, "autheticationProtocol": "NativeGrafana", "insightsServiceURL": "http://localhost: |
Make sure that isVaultEnable = true with correct vault token, Vault is started and unsealed
Start Tomcat application
Login Insights UI with basic grafana credential using user ‘admin’ most probably password is ‘admin’
On successful login, It will load server configuration on UI, do the respective changes
Save the changes, It will store all your configuration in vault in encrypted format
If you want to edit any field in server configuration then use Insights UI
With Native Grafana authentication there is no need to restart tomcat, it automatically loads server config changes.
In case of SSO, initial login will be with initial grafana credential, do respective changes and restart tomcat.
Info |
Upgrade Insights Application to Vault |
Configure Vault with Storage Engine as “PostgreSQL” all configuration steps mention in Vault Configuration with PostgreSQL DB
Backup your existing server config json file
Add following minimum configuration inside Insights INSIGHTS_HOME\.InSights\server-config.json
8080" |
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If existing application have agent configured with vault then it is mandatory to upgrade it using following steps
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Either configuration start with minimum configuration mention below
Another way is to configure server config directly on file system INSIGHTS_HOME\.InSights\server-config.json and restart tomcat and other services | |||||||||
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Component | Significance | ||||||||
"endpointData": { |
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"graph":{ |
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"grafana": { |
Info |
Upgrade Agent Changes with Vault |
If existing application have agent configured with vault then it is mandatory to upgrade it using following steps
Login to Insights UI , go to Agent Configuration
Changes Agent version >= 7.3
Update all your secret again so that it will store in new vault
Restart agent
New Agent Registration will affect with these changes
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Another way is to configure server config directly on file system INSIGHTS_HOME\.InSights\server-config.json and restart tomcat and other services |
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postgre - This module has the configurations for PostgreSQL
password - It is the corresponding password for the username to log into PostgreSQL.
"messageQueue": {
"host": "localhost",
"user": "iSight",
"password": "iSight",
"prefetchCount" : 10
messageQueue - These are the configurations related to RabbitMQ server.
host - It is the host location at which RabbitMQ is running.
user - It is username to log into RabbitMQ application.
agentDetails - These are the configurations needed to setup agents in Insights Application.
isOnlineRegistration : This property is used to decide mode of agent registration online or offline
onlineRegistrationMode : It is server from where you are downloading Agent package nexus or docroot, After 7.0 we migrated all package on nexus.
docrootUrl - It is the location from which agent would be downloaded in a zip file.
unzipPath - It is the local system path where the downloaded zip file would be extracted.
agentExchange - It is the channel where agent related data exchanges will take place.
agentPkgQueue - It is the queue name where all the various agents will be queued.
"esCacheIndex": "neo4j-cached-results-custom"
queryCache - This configuration helps us to set custom Neo4j data source's query caching index in Elasticsearch.
esCacheIndex - It is the custom index of Elaticsearch where cache results will be stored.
"insightsServiceURL": "https://localhost:8080"
insightsServiceURL - It is the web server host and port where "PlatformService.war" file is deployed and run.
"disableAuth": false
disableAuth - This option is used to turn ON/OFF authentication service.
"enableNativeUsers": true
enableNativeUsers - This option is used to enable native users from Grafana to log into Insights application.
"insightsTimeZone": "US/Central"
insightsTimeZone - It is the local timezone of the country/place.
"enableOnlineDatatagging": true
enableOnlineDatatagging - This property is required to enable/disable Business Mapping on data.
"enableOnlineBackup": true
enableOnlineBackup - This property is required to enable the backup when the Engine is running.