Base Image
Base image is in Docker Hub @
Image Name: devopsbasservice/buildonframework:buildon
Tools bundled
- Jenkins 2.60.1
- Jenkins-job-builder
- Utilities: wget, curl, zip, tree, elinks, openssh-server, tini, git, oracle-java8-installer
- Apache maven 3.3.9
Docker file has the following key components:
- – Entry point of the image. Extracts jenkins.war, makes jenkins up and running,creates jobs based on ob.yaml file, after execution of jobs ships logs to Kubernetes master.
- – Shell script to install plugins mentioned in plugins.txt automatically resolving the dependent plugins as well
- plugins.txt – Plugins required for the build. Any number of plugins can be mentioned
- Logstash - jenkins.plugins.logstash.LogstashInstallation.xml file – with logstash server configuration to push Jenkins to Elastic search. Logs can be later viewed in Kibana
- ScalrJenkins Plugin (custom) - com.hpi.ScalrJenkins.ScalrJenkins.xml file with SCALR URL and API keys configured