- Change working directory("%WORKSPACE%\Insights\PlatformUI3.0").
- Install node_module dependencies using command:
npm install
- Install angular using command:
npm install -g @angular/cli@6.2.5
- Add C:\Users\<userId>\AppData\Roaming\npm path in environment 'path' variable
- Open new terminal and run following command
- From the directory(%WORKSPACE%\Insights\PlatformUI3.0), run command:
ng build --prod --base-href=/app/
ng serve
To create the artifact, please follow the following steps.
- From the directory(%WORKSPACE%\Insights\PlatformUI3.0), run command
mvn clean install –DskipTests
- Target folder will be generated under same folder structure, where PlatformUI3-4.8.zip will be created.
- Extract the folder and a folder "app" will be created.
- Copy "app" folder, place the folder under "D:\Development_Avecto\InSights_Windows\Server2\apache-tomcat-8.5.32\webapps"
- If "app" folder already exist then rename the existing folder.
- Add "serviceHost" and "grafanaHost" property with respective url in uiConfig.json.