These issues might occur as soon as you have followed the steps mentioned in "Setting up specific bots" page and try to run your bot for the first time:
Upgrade your node and npm (Recommended: Node 8.x.x and npm5.x.x) and retry.
Reference: Click here
You need to set the MONGO_DB_URL as an environment variable.
export MONGO_DB_URL=mongodb://<mongodb_host_ip>:<port>
After setting try restarting the bot with ./bin/hubot or ./bin/hubot -a <adapter> command.
Navigate to the myhubot/external-scripts.json file and remove hubot-help from the array. Thereafter, restart the bot.
Navigate to myhubot/hubot-scripts.json file and add "" as an element in the array. Thereafter, restart the bot.
Create a symbolic link between node and nodejs to fix any naming conflicts:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node