In order to run InSights Inference, there are changes that should be made in server-config.json, and uiConfig.json. Please adhere the following steps, and make respective changes -
Changes in server-config.json
Browse the following directory inside your InSights Installation directory -
%INSIGHTS_HOME% is the path that is set as Environment Variable.
"endpointData": {
"elasticSearchEndpoint": "http://localhost:9200"
"sparkConfigurations": {
"appName" : "inSights",
"master" : "local[*]",
"sparkExecutorMemory" : "8g",
"sparkElasticSearchHost": "http://localhost",
"sparkElasticSearchPort": "9200",
"sparkElasticSearchConfigIndex": "",
"sparkElasticSearchResultIndex": "",
"kpiSize": "30",
"sparkResultSince": 5
Changes in uiConfig.json
Browse the directory - "%WORKSPACE%\devopsplatform\PlatformUI2.0"
%WORKSPACE% is the directory which contains InSights - Development Platform.
"showInsightsTab" : true,