Cognizant Cloud Acceleration Platform Insights
Please download these tools as per the Operating System alternatively you could visit our Nexus3 DocRoot Repo for more information regarding the tools.
List of tools required to setup Insights
- Neo4j 3.5.26 (Zip Distribution) - Download directly from
- Grafana 7.5.10 (Zip Distribution)
- Tomcat 9.0.36
- JDK 8 (8u211)
- Rabbit MQ 3.8.5 (Requires Erlang)
- PostgreSQL 12.5.1 (Zip Distribution)
- GraphAware plugin (2 jar files - graphaware-server-community-all- and graphaware-uuid-
- Python 3.8.7
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.41
- Elastic Search 7.6.1 (Zip Distribution) (Optional)
- Loki and Promtail 2.2.1 (Optional)
- Hyperledger Fabric (Optional)