Looking to Upgrade ES 2.4.1 to ES 5.6.4?
Step 1:
- Stop running version(ES 2.4.1)
Step 2:
- Take complete backup of running version (Just to be on safer side)
Step 3:
- Download and install ES 5.6.4
- Reference Link: https://www.elastic.co/downloads/past-releases/elasticsearch-5-6-4
Step 4:
- Start ES 5.6.4 (Note: It creates data folder and other links) In
Step 5:
- Stop ES 5.6.4
Step 6:
- Copy data folder and elasticsearch.yml file in config folder from existing ES 2.4.1 and replace in to ES 5.6.4
Step 7:
- Start ES 5.6.4
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