Azure webhook infrastructure for high availability of the webhook functionality that means if Insights is down for sometime, payloads from devops tools should not be missed.
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Step - by - step guide on how to Install Azure Webhook Infrastructure |
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title | Step 1: Azure Storage |
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After clicking create button, a new page will be opened where you can see your storage account deployment. Deployment will take approx. 1 minutes to complete. After completing deployment, click on Go to Resource button to go inside storage account. Click on containers tab in the overview section or select from left menu.
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Click on Change access level button and select Container option and click OK.
Select Public access level as Container for all the containers. Image Added Image Added
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as follows: Fill Identifier as Insights(You may change) Select all permissions. Select start time and end time. Click OK button. After clicking OK, Click on Save button to save policy. Repeat
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title | Step 2: Azure Functions |
Image Added Image Added Image Added Image Added Image Added Image AddedFill the name and values and click OK. Repeat this step for all the values of the table given below and click on Save button. Copy the values from the notepad we stored before while setting up azure storage.
Note: Please do not change the Application Setting Name while adding application settings. | Name | Value |
1 | WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE | <Zip_URL> | 2 | StorageEndpoint | < Blob Service Endpoint> | 3 | StorageAccountName | < Storage account name> | 4 | StorageAccountKey | < Key> | 5 | WebhookEventContainer | < WebhookEventContainer> | 6 | FailedEventContainer | < FailedEventContainer> | 7 | TimerInterval(Every One Hour) | 0 0 * * * * |
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title | Step 4: Configure Webhook |
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