- Install hubot into your server (Refer here)
- Pull your desired scripts-<adapter> folder from our github repository
- Copy the content of scripts-<adapter> into your <newly_installed_hubot_folder>/scripts
- Set the following environment variables:
ONBOTS_URL: The url where OnBots services are running AUTH_TOKEN: Personal access token of your adapter(must permissions to get uploaded file content from the adapter) (for genearating this token in slack Click here, for mattermost Click here, for Hipchat Click here) HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN: To add new app/bot to slack workspace. (for generating this token in slack, Go to https://api.slack.com/apps --> Create New App --> Give app name and Choose Workspace --> "Install your app to your workspace" : use proper permissions(oAuth) and register your apps. you will get token starts with "xoxb-" ) 5. Install the desired npm-module for your adapter. Master can work with Slack, Hipchat or Mattemost. Execute the following command inside your bot folder: npm install hubot-<adapter> (where <adapter> can be slack, hipchat or mattermost. Refer this page to to learn more about how to connect your bot to a chat application.) You are all set now. Execute the following to start the bot with your chat adapter: ./bin/hubot -a <adapter> |