Insights has introduced new version of webhook framework using existing data collection agent framework. It reuses some of the based components of agent framework. Through new webhook framework using Python, Insights is providing flexibility to parse complex payloads as well provides options to update the existing data (Nodes in Neo4j) which was not possible in old webhook framework. This framework works like agent and will need a separate webhook parsers for each DevOps tools. However, this will add tremendous flexibility to capture any kind of data and will have consistent framework for data collection. Developing a new webhook agent will be as simple as creating new agent and should not take more than a two week sprint to develop from scratch.
Add WebHook details and click on add button below to register. Change Dynamic template as per client needs
Once WebHook is registered successfully, then URL for the selected WebHook can be copied by using Copy to Clipboard Icon.
Once the link is copied then it needs to be added in the actual tool’s WebHook.
please refer Agent Management section under 'Configuration' helps to Add / Change Status / Edit / Delete Agents. for more Agent operation.
WebHook Subscriber
Tool WebHook will push data to WebHook Subscriber when an event occurs and WebHook subscriber will publish the received data to the WebHook queue mentioned in WebhookPayloadDataQueue.
WebHook Agent
Registered WebHook agent will consume data from WebhookPayloadDataQueue, processes message according to the dynamic template mentioned in config.json and publish to the data in queue.