Steps to create JKS file and self-signed certificate.
Create a folder under the INSIGHTS_APP_ROOT folder with the name saml_certificates.
Run the following commands to create a new JKS inside that folder:
Code Block |
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias <YOUR_DOMAIN>.com -keystore "insights_app_sso.jks" -storepass <PASSWORD> -ext san=dns:<YOUR_DOMAIN>.com -validity 1000 -keysize 2048
-storetype JKS
keytool -list -v -keystore "insights_app_sso.jks"
keytool -certreq -alias <YOUR_DOMAIN>.com -keystore insights_app_sso.jks -storepass <PASSWORD> -file CertCA.crt |
Steps to Import SAML provider (Azure AD ) certs cert to JKS keystore.
Here Insights_SAML_SSO.cer is provider cert and
downloaded from Azure AD portal.
Place the provider cert inside the saml_certificates folder.
Run the following commands to import the provider cert into the keyStore and generate the privateKey:
Code Block |
keytool -importcert -file Insights_SAML_SSO.cer -keystore insights_app_sso.jks -alias insights_app_sso_28Apr_imported
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore insights_app_sso.jks -destkeystore insights_app_sso.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12
openssl pkcs12 -in insights_app_sso.p12 -nokeys -out insights_app_sso.crt
openssl pkcs12 -in insights_app_sso.p12 -nocerts -nodes -out insights_app_sso.key
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in insights_app_sso.key -out insights_private.key -nocrypt |
insights_private.key will be the privateKey used for SSO configuration
Specify the path of the keyStore and privateKey generated inside this saml_certificates folder in the singleSignOnConfig section of the server-config.json file.
Enable SSO
In server-config.json, change "autheticationProtocol": “SAML”.
In uiConfig.json, change "autheticationProtocol": “SAML”.
In the configDesc.json update “SAML” property with the following value:
Code Block "SAML": { "loginURL": "/PlatformService/saml2/authenticate/insights_saml2_sso", "logoutURL": "/PlatformService/saml/logout" },
Open Grafana defaults.ini file and enable following [auth.proxy] section, do not change other property
Code Block [auth.proxy] enabled = true header_name = X-WEBAUTH-USER header_property = username auto_sign_up = true sync_ttl = 60 whitelist = headers = headers_encoded = true enable_login_token = false
Add following in Apache Httpd vhost file Apache24\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf.
Code Block SetEnvIf Cookie "(^|;\ *)username=([^;\ ]+)" MyCookieValue=$2 <If "%{env:MyCookieValue} != ''"> RequestHeader set X-WEBAUTH-USER "%{MyCookieValue}e" </If>
Restart Apache httpd server and Grafana.
Add your SAML or SSO provider detail in server.config.json under “singleSignOnConfig” section.
We can configure either metadataUrl or the metadataFilePath.
Add “insights_saml2_sso” as value for the “registrationId” property.
Add application host name in insightsServiceURL in server-config.json.
Add host information in trustedHosts in server-config.json.
Restart PlatformService and UI.
Call URL https://<HostOrDomainName>/insights.
Login with your organization credential.
Sample Configuration:
Key | Description | |
1 | entityId | Identifier (Entity ID) for your SMAL configuration |
2 | appId | copy app id from App Federation Metadata Url |
3 | metadataUrl | App Federation Metadata Url |
4 | metdataFilePath | Download SAML Signing Certificate from sso provider site and store it in INSIGHTS_HOME |
5 | keyStoreFilePath | path of certificae like saml-keystore.jks, Download this certificate from your sso provider URL |
6 | keyAlia | saml-keystore.jks username |
7 | keyPass | saml-keystore.jks password |
8 | keyStorePass | saml-keystore.jks password |
9 | appBaseUrl | Application service Host URL, Example https://<HostOrDomainName>/PlatformService |
10 | relayStateUrl | SSO login UI page URL, Example https://<HostOrDomainName>/app/#/ssologin |
11 | defaultTargetUrl | Application user authenticate url, Example https://<HostOrDomainName>/user/authenticate |
12 | postLogoutURL : | SAML or SSO provider logout URL, Example value: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/wsfederation?wa=wsignout1.0 |
13 | tokenSigningKey: | This is use as secrete key to sign JWT token,It should be 128 character ,Example value:"insights_IDP_CogDevops_SSO_Token_string" |
14 | registrationId | A unique identifer for this configuration mapping. This identifier may be used in URI paths, so care should be taken that no URI encoding is required. |
15 | singleSignOnServiceLocation | The singleSignOnService location. |
16 | privatekeyLocation | path of the generated Private key. |
Disable SSO
Mark "autheticationProtocol":"NativeGrafana" in server-config.json
Mark "autheticationProtocol":"NativeGrafana" in uiConfig.json
Open grafana defaults.ini file and disable in [auth.proxy] section and make sure that [auth.basic] enabled
Remove following in Apache Httpd vhost file Apache24\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf.
Code Block SetEnvIf Cookie "(^|;\ *)username=([^;\ ]+)" MyCookieValue=$2 <If "%{env:MyCookieValue} != ''"> RequestHeader set X-WEBAUTH-USER "%{MyCookieValue}e" </If>
Restart Apache httpd server and Grafana
Restart PlatformService and UI.