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In order to run InSights Insights Inference, there are changes that should be made in server-config.json, and uiConfig.json. Please adhere the following stepsinstructions, and make respective changes -
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On this page:
Changes in server-config.json
Browse the following directory inside your
InSightsInsights Installation directory -
Info |
%INSIGHTS_HOME% is the path that is set as Environment Variable. |
Add the changes in your local server-config.json as highlighted below.
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{ "endpointData": { "elasticSearchEndpoint": "http://localhost:9200" }, "sparkConfigurations": { "appName" : "inSights", "master" : "local[*]", "sparkExecutorMemory" : "8g", "sparkElasticSearchHost": "http://localhost", "sparkElasticSearchPort": "9200", "sparkElasticSearchConfigIndex": "", "sparkElasticSearchResultIndex": "", "kpiSize": "30", "sparkResultSince": 5 }, "ldapConfiguration": { "ldapUrl"sparkMasterExecutionEndPoint":"ldap "endpoint": "http://ldaphost:389", "bindDN": "BindDN", "bindPassword": "Passwd", "searchBaseDN": "DC=XX,DC=XX", "searchFilter": "(sAMAccountName={0})", "ldapAttributes": { "name": "givenname", "surname": "sn", "memberOf": "", "email": "mail", "username": "sAMAccountName" } }, "graph": { }, ... ... ... |
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Attributes of Spark Configurations: For instance, if the KPIs have been added into Elasticsearch at the following URL - http://localhost: 7474","authToken": "bmVvNGo6QzBnbml6YW50QDE=" }, "grafana": { "grafanaEndpoint": "https://localhost:3000", "grafanaDBEndpoint": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/grafana", "adminUserName": "admin", "adminUserPassword": "admin", "dbUserName": "grafana", "dbPassword": "C0gnizant@1" }, "postgre": { "userName" : "grafana","password" : "C0gnizant@1","insightsDBUrl": "jdbc:postgresql://","grafanaDBUrl": "jdbc:postgresql://"}, "messageQueue": { "host": "localhost", "user": "iSight", "password": "iSight" }, "disableAuth": true, "insightsTimeZone": "Asia/Kolkata", "userId": "UserID", "password": "Passwd", "refreshTime": "Jan 22, 2017 5:04:25 PM", "trustedHosts": [ "localhost" ]9200/spark-jobs/kpis, and the results at - http://localhost:9200/spark-jobs/results. Then the attributes shall be the following way:
Changes in uiConfig.json
Browse the directory - "%WORKSPACE%\devopsplatform\PlatformUI3.0\app\uiConfig.json"
Info |
%WORKSPACE% is the directory which contains Insights - Development Platform. |
Add the changes in your local uiConfig.json as highlighted below.
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{ "showBusinessMapping": true, } |