Versions Compared


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Step - by - step guide on how to Install Insights Enterprise - Hyperledger Fabric Network.

Installing Hyperledger Network covers the initial setup procedures including InstallationConfigurations (Hardware, Software, and Network) and various Commands.  Please note that these instructions are only for Linux (Debian & Ubuntu).


titleHardware Configuration
Hyperledger Fabric Minimum configuration - Pilot/POCNo. of instances1OSUbuntu 16.04 Xenial (64bit) Storage75 GB (Fabric Network Only)Mem (GiB)8 GBvCPU2Hyperledger Fabric Minimum configuration - ProductionNo. of instances1OSUbuntu 16.04 Xenial (64bit) Storage100 GB (Fabric Network Only)Mem (GiB)16 GBvCPU4
Configuration varies depending on the work load.
  • Docker 17.06.2-ce or greater, Docker Compose  1.14.0 or greater , curl
  • Go 1.11.x
  • Python 3.x
  • Node.js Runtime 8.x and NPM 5.x
  • git (git bash to clone the repo)

Refer the link to know the Software component version for latest fabric network:

Fabric Version Specific. Change the version in the URL for other versions:

Docker, Docker Compose and curl

  • apt-get update
  • apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
  • curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
  • add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] \ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable"


    Step - by - step guide on how to Install Insights Enterprise - Hyperledger Fabric Network.

    Installing Hyperledger Network covers the initial setup procedures including InstallationConfigurations (Hardware, Software, and Network) and various Commands.  Please note that these instructions are only for Linux (Debian & Ubuntu).


    titleHardware Configuration

    Hyperledger Fabric Minimum configuration - Pilot/POC
    No. of instances1
    OSUbuntu 16.04 Xenial (64bit) 
    Storage75 GB (Fabric Network Only)
    Mem (GiB)8 GB

    Hyperledger Fabric Minimum configuration - Production
    No. of instances1
    OSUbuntu 16.04 Xenial (64bit) 
    Storage100 GB (Fabric Network Only)
    Mem (GiB)16 GB

    Configuration varies depending on the work load.

    • Docker 17.06.2-ce or greater, Docker Compose  1.14.0 or greater , curl
    • Go 1.11.x
    • Python 3.x
    • Node.js Runtime 8.x and NPM 5.x
    • git (git bash to clone the repo)

    Refer the link to know the Software component version for latest fabric network:

    Fabric Version Specific. Change the version in the URL for other versions:

    Docker, Docker Compose and curl

    1. apt-get update
    2. apt-get install docker.ioInstall the latest version of Docker CE using "apt-get install docker-ce" , or go to the next step (7.a / 7.b) to install a specific version. Any existing installation of Docker is replaced.           Specific version of docker-compose installation. Refer current release of docker compose in https://docsapt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
    3. curl -fsSL
    4. For example "docker-compose v1.23.1": 

      sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

      sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

      docker-compose --version

    5. systemctl status docker



    1. Download the archive: wget
    2. Extract it into /usr/local, creating a Go tree in /usr/local/go
    3. tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.11.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    4. Add /usr/local/go/bin to the PATH environment variable. You can do this by adding this line to your /etc/profile (for a system-wide installation) or $HOME/.bashprofile:                  export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
      Reference - Section Linux :


    As of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (xenial),  both python 2 and python3 by default. Recommended to use python3. Check and then install if required.

    1. apt-get install python3.5
    2. apt-get install python3-pip

    set alias to respectiive python version in ~/.bashrc to avoid error while installing the module.

    alias pip=pip3

    alias python=python3.5


    update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.5 10


    Node.js Runtime and NPM
    The recommended versions for node and npm are Node 8.x.x and npm5.x.x. If you are getting lower versions using apt-get install, remove existing node setup from your machine and then run the following:

    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
    apt-get install nodejs


    As Of Ubuntu, git is available by default. Check
    1. ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
    2. add-apt-repository \
         "deb [arch=amd64] \
         $(lsb_release -cs) \
    3. apt-get update
    4. apt-get install
    5. Install the latest version of Docker CE using "apt-get install docker-ce" , or go to the next step (7.a / 7.b) to install a specific version. Any existing installation of Docker is replaced.           
      1. Specific version of docker-compose installation. Refer current release of docker compose in
      2. For example "docker-compose v1.23.1": 

        sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

        sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

        docker-compose --version

    6. systemctl status docker



    1. Download the archive: wget
    2. Extract it into /usr/local, creating a Go tree in /usr/local/go
    3. tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.11.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    4. Add /usr/local/go/bin to the PATH environment variable. You can do this by adding this line to your /etc/profile (for a system-wide installation) or $HOME/.bashprofile:                  export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
      Reference - Section Linux :


    As of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (xenial),  both python 2 and python3 by default. Recommended to use python3. Check and then install if required.

    1. apt-get
    2. update
    3. install python3.5
    4. apt-get install
    5. git


    titleRecommended Network Ports

    Following port must be opened to access the fabric network from fabric sdk.

    Source : fabric sdk instance

    Destination: fabric network installed instance

    Example Ports: You can change these ports based on availability and configuration in fabric network. Then, enable connectivity to those ports.

    • Orderer - 7050 
    • Peer0.Org1 - 7051
    • EventHub : 7053
    • ca.org1 : 7054

    Please browse through the below sections to setup specific Fabric Network

    Make sure you've done all the Prerequisites 

    Network Architecture

  • 1 Orderer
  • 1 Organization
  • 3 peers
  • 3 couchdb for each peer
  • 1 ca
  • 1
    1. python3-pip

    set alias to respectiive python version in ~/.bashrc to avoid error while installing the module.

    alias pip=pip3

    alias python=python3.5


    update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.5 10


    Node.js Runtime and NPM
    The recommended versions for node and npm are Node 8.x.x and npm5.x.x. If you are getting lower versions using apt-get install, remove existing node setup from your machine and then run the following:

    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
    apt-get install nodejs


    As Of Ubuntu, git is available by default. Check and then install if required.

    1. apt-get update
    2. apt-get install git


    titleTypes of Hyperledger Fabric Network

    Different types of hyperledger fabric network

    titleSOLO Orderer

    titleRecommended Network Ports

    Following port must be opened to access the fabric network from fabric sdk.

    Source : fabric sdk instance

    Destination: fabric network installed instance

    Example Ports: You can change these ports based on availability and configuration in fabric network. Then, enable connectivity to those ports.

    • Orderer - 7050 
    • Peer0.Org1 - 7051
    • EventHub : 7053
    • ca.org1 : 7054

    Please browse through the below sections to setup specific Fabric Network

    titleTypes of Hyperledger Fabric Network

    Different types of hyperledger fabric network

    titleSOLO Orderer

    Make sure you've done all the Prerequisites 

    Network Architecture

    • 1 Orderer
    • 1 Organization
    • 3 peers
    • 3 couchdb for each peer
    • 1 ca
    • 1 cli (Optional)

    Setup the Network

    1. Set the GOPATH. You can do this by adding this line to your /etc/environment (for a system-wide installation) or $HOME/.bashprofile : export GOPATH=/usr/local/go. Source if you set this in the same linux sesison then, source /etc/environment (OR)  source $HOME/.bashprofile
    2. git clone of Solo Orderer Network:    git clone -b SoloOrdererNetwork
    3. cd hyperledger-fabric-basic-network
    4. Configuration: Values like DOMAIN, CHANNEL_NAME, FABRIC_VERSION, TIME_ZONE,etc ... can be modified in .env file based on your requirement.

      Code Block

    5. Provide executable permissions to sh files:  chmod +x *.sh
    6. Start network for the first time. - Generate the crypto-material, start/stop/restart the network.

      ./ -m download

      ./ -m up
    7. Start for the first time:

    8. Start/Stop the Network :

       ./ -m start./ -m stop
    9. Recreate the containers without losing the data.

       ./ -m recreate
    10. Clean and Remove the Network.

       ./ -m down
    11. Verify if all the docker containers are running

      docker ps
    12. ./ itself will create and join the channel for Anchor peer - peer0.   

        Optional Step for information: Create and Join channel in Anchor peer - peer0.org1 :

        Get into peer0.org1 container: docker exec -it peer0.org1.<DOMAIN> bash

        Create: peer channel create -o orderer.<DOMAIN>:7050 -c mychannel -f /var/hyperledger/configs/channel.tx

        Join: peer channel join -o orderer.<DOMAIN> -b mychannel.block
    13. Fetch the block and join channel in other peers: 

      Get into peer0.org1 container: docker exec -it peer0.org1.<DOMAIN> bash

      Fetch block: peer channel fetch 0 mychannel.block --channelID mychannel --orderer orderer.<DOMAIN>:7050

      Join channel: peer channel join -o orderer.<DOMAIN> -b mychannel.block

    14. Install,Instantiate the chaincode in Anchor peer - peer0. Get into respective peer containers and use the below install command to install chaincode in other peers.

        Get into peer0.org1 container: docker exec -it peer0.org1.<DOMAIN> bash

        Install: peer chaincode install -n insightsAuditing -p /chaincode/src/nodejs -l node -v 1.0

      1. If your network is in dev mode (To find the mode of your network, go to docker-compose-base/docker-compose-base.yaml and search for "peer node". If the command used is "peer node start --peer-chaincodedev=true" then you are in dev mode

        1. Go into cli container: docker exec -it cli bash
        2. Execute the following command to run the chaincode in dev mode (Ensure the chaincode name and peer0 port is correct) :

          Code Block
          CORE_CHAINCODE_ID_NAME="insightsAuditing:1.0" node --inspect tool_chaincode.js --peer.address grpc://peer0.org1.<DOMAIN>:7052

        3. Get into peer0.org1 container: docker exec -it peer0.org1.<DOMAIN> bash and execute the following command:

    Instantiate: peer chaincode instantiate -n insightsAuditing -v 1.0 -c '{"Args":["init"]}' -C mychannel

    b. If your network is in prod mode (To find the mode of your network, go to docker-compose-base/docker-compose-base.yaml and search for "peer node". If the command used is "peer node start" then you are in prod mode)

    Instantiate: peer chaincode instantiate -n insightsAuditing -v 1.0 -c '{"Args":["init"]}' -C mychannel

    15. Get into ca container. Create user to connect from fabric sdk by using admin. Fabric sdk network connection requires the user's cert details to get connected to the fabric network.

    docker exec -it ca.org1.<DOMAIN> bash

    fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://Admin:<password>@localhost:7054

    fabric-ca-client register -u "http://localhost:7054" "newusername" --id.secret "password" --id.type "client" --id.affiliation "org1.department1"

    fabric-ca-client enroll -u "http://newusername:password@localhost:7054"

    16. Test the Chaincode. Either insert record manually or let the data gets inserted via PlatformAuditEngine. Then, query as shown below. Modify ASSET-ID with your Asset ID value.

      Query: peer chaincode query -n insightsAuditing -c '{"Args":["GetAssetDetails","ASSET-ID"]}' -C mychannel

    titleKafka Fabric Network

    Make sure you've done all the Prerequisites 

    Network Architecture

    • 3 Orderers
    • 2 Organizations
    • 4 peers, 2 for each organization
    • 4 couchdb for each peer
    • 2 ca, 1 for each organization
    • 4 Kafka broker instances
    • 3 Zookeper instances
    • 1 cli (Optional)

    Setup the Network

    1. Set the GOPATH. You can do this by adding this line to your /etc/environment (for a system-wide installation) or $HOME/.bashprofile : export GOPATH=/opt/gopath Source if you set this in the same linux sesison then, source /etc/environment (OR)  source $HOME/.bashprofile
    2. Keep the hyperledger fabric source under GOPATH. 
      cd $GOPATH/src/
      mkdir hyperledger
      cd hyperledger
      git clone

    3. git clone of Kafka Fabric Network:   git clone -b KafkaFabricNetwork
    4. cd Hyperledger_fabric_kafka
    5. Configuration: Values like DOMAIN, CORE_PEER configs,etc ... can be modified in .env file based on your requirement.

      Code Block
    6. chmod 777 *.sh
    7. Generate the crypto-material. Input arguments to are channelname and domain name : 

      ./ <channelname> <DOMAIN>

      For Example: ./ mychannel
    8. Start/Restart the Network :

    9. Verify if all the docker containers are running

      docker ps
    10. Create and Join channel in Anchor peer - peer0.org1:  
    11. =<your_company_domain>

    12. chmod 777 *.sh
    13. Generate the crypto-material. Input arguments to are channelname and domain name : 

      ./ <channelname> <DOMAIN>

      For Example: ./ mychannel
    14. Start/Restart the Network :

    15. Verify if all the docker containers are running

      docker ps
    16. Create and Join channel in Anchor peer - peer0.org1:  

        Get into peer0.org1 container: docker exec -it peer0.org1.<DOMAIN> bash

        Create: peer channel create -o orderer0.<DOMAIN>:7050 -c mychannel -f /var/hyperledger/configs/channel.tx

        Join channel: peer channel join -o orderer0.<DOMAIN> -b mychannel.block
    17. Fetch the block and join channel in other peers: 

      Get into peer0.org1 container: docker exec -it peer0.org1.<DOMAIN> bash

      Fetch block: peer channel fetch 0 mychannel.block --channelID mychannel --orderer orderer0.<DOMAIN>:7050

      Join: peer channel join -o orderer0.<DOMAIN> -b mychannel.block

    18. Install,Instantiate the chaincode in Anchor peer - peer0. Get into respective peer containers and use the below install command to install chaincode in other peers.

        Get into peer0.org1 container: docker exec -it peer0.org1.<DOMAIN> bash

        CreateInstall: peer channel create -o orderer0.<DOMAIN>:7050 -c mychannel -f /var/hyperledger/configs/channel.tx

        Join channel: peer channel join -o orderer0.<DOMAIN> -b mychannel.blockFetch the block and join channel in other peers: 

      Get into peer0.org1 container: docker exec -it peer0.org1.<DOMAIN> bash

      Fetch block: peer channel fetch 0 mychannel.block --channelID mychannel --orderer orderer0.<DOMAIN>:7050

      Join: peer channel join -o orderer0.<DOMAIN> -b mychannel.block

      Install,Instantiate the chaincode in Anchor peer - peer0. Get into respective peer containers and use the below install command to install chaincode in other peers.

        Get into peer0.org1 container: docker exec -it peer0.org1.<DOMAIN> bash

        Install: peer chaincode install -n insightsAuditing -p /chaincode/src/nodejs -l node -v 1.0

        Instantiate: peer chaincode instantiate -n insightsAuditing -v 1.0 chaincode install -n insightsAuditing -p /chaincode/src/nodejs -l node -v 1.0

        Instantiate: peer chaincode instantiate -n insightsAuditing -v 1.0 -c '{"Args":["init"]}' -C mychannel

    19. Get into ca container. Create user to connect from fabric sdk by using admin. Fabric sdk network connection requires the user's cert details to get connected to the fabric network.

      docker exec -it ca.org1.<DOMAIN> bash

      fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://Admin:<password>@localhost:7054

      fabric-ca-client register -u "http://localhost:7054" "newusername" --id.secret "password" --id.type "client" --id.affiliation "org1.department1"

      fabric-ca-client enroll -u "http://newusername:password@localhost:7054"

    20. Test the Chaincode. Either insert record manually or let the data gets inserted via PlatformAuditEngine. Then, query as shown below. Modify ASSET-ID with your Asset ID value.

        Query: peer chaincode query -n insightsAuditing -c '{"Args":["init"GetAssetDetails","ASSET-ID"]}' -C mychannel

    21. Get into ca container. Create user to connect from fabric sdk by using admin. Fabric sdk network connection requires the user's cert details to get connected to the fabric network.

      docker exec -it ca.org1.<DOMAIN> bash

      fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://Admin:<password>@localhost:7054

      fabric-ca-client register -u "http://localhost:7054" "newusername" --id.secret "password" --id.type "client" --id.affiliation "org1.department1"

      fabric-ca-client enroll -u "http://newusername:password@localhost:7054"

    22. Test the Chaincode. Either insert record manually or let the data gets inserted via PlatformAuditEngine. Then, query as shown below. Modify ASSET-ID with your Asset ID value.

        Query: peer chaincode query -n insightsAuditing -c '{"Args":["GetAssetDetails","ASSET-ID"]}' -C mychannel

    Make sure you've done all the Prerequisites 

    titleRaft (etcd/raft) Fabric Network
    titleRaft (etcd/raft) Fabric Network

    Make sure you've done all the Prerequisites. Raft Ordering Service introduced in 1.4.1 (Reference:

    Ensure docker images are pulled as per raft supported version (1.4.1 , 1.4.2 as on 18.Jul.2019 - )

    Network Architecture

    • 5 Orderers
    • 2 Organizations
    • 4 peers, 2 for each organization
    • 4 couchdb, one for each peer
    • 2 certificate authority(CA), one for each organization
    • 1 cli (Optional)

    Setup the Network

    1. Set the GOPATH. You can do this by adding this line to your /etc/environment (for a system-wide installation) or $HOME/.bashprofile : export GOPATH=/usr/local/go. Source if you set this in the same linux sesison then, source /etc/environment (OR)  source $HOME/.bashprofile
    2. Keep the hyperledger fabric source under GOPATH with the steps mentioned below:

      No Format
      cd $GOPATH/src/
      mkdir hyperledger
      cd hyperledger
      git clone

    3. Navigate to your home directory or any convenient directory and clone the Hyperledger_Raft branch from our repo:   

      Code Block
      git clone -b Hyperledger_Raft

    4. Navigate into the raft-with-ca folder: cd Insights/raft-with-ca
    5. Give permissions to all the executables and shell files which will easily bring up/down the network:
      chmod 777 *.sh
      chmod -R 755 bin

    6. Generate the crypto-material. Input arguments to are channelname and domain name : 

      ./ <channelname> <DOMAIN>

      For Example: ./ mychannel
    7. Edit the values(DOMAIN, CA_ORG*_KEYFILE etc.) inside the .env file. Refer the list below to know more about the variables of .env:
    8. .sh mychannel
    9. Edit the values(DOMAIN, CA_ORG*_KEYFILE etc.) inside the .env file. Refer the list below to know more about the variables of .env:

      • The tls variables must be set to true as Hyperledger-fabric Raft mandates enabling TLS for better security in network communication. Failing to do so will result in crashing of the orderers.
      • Some of the fields are pre-populated with default values. you may change the values as per requirement. The IMAGE_TAG must be >= 1.4.1 or latest to have raft setup.

      Code Block
      CA_ORG1_KEYFILE=<name of the keyfile residing inside crypto-config/peerOrganizations/>
      CA_ORG2_KEYFILE=<name of the keyfile residing inside crypto-config/peerOrganizations/>

    10. The tls variables must be set to true as Hyperledger-fabric Raft mandates enabling TLS for better security in network communication. Failing to do so will result in crashing of the orderers.
    11. Some of the fields are pre-populated with default values. you may change the values as per requirement. The IMAGE_TAG must be > 1.4.1 or latest to have raft setup

      Ensure docker images are pulled as per raft supported version >= 1.4.1

      To use raft fabric docker images: Sometimes fabric docker images are pulled with old network architecture(eg., solo) or already present in the system/VM for the image tag "latest", then remove the existing docker images using "docker rmi -f <imageid>" when respective containers are not running. Because, fabric-image with tag "latest" won't pull new image with actual latest tag due to existing reference. Below will pull the image as per the raft version >=1.4.1 defined in .env file.

    12. Start the Network :

      ./ <channelname> <DOMAIN>


      You must use the same  channelname and DOMAIN which you used in step 6.

      If you want to learn more about how the network is setup, then do not execute the In stead, run the below commands manually from your terminal:

      Code Block
      titleLearn more about the steps performed inside
      #Replace $CHANNEL_NAME and $DOMAIN with your channelname and domain respectively.
      #setup the network
      docker-compose -f docker-compose-cli.yaml -f docker-compose-couch.yaml -f docker-compose-etcdraft2.yaml up -d
      sleep 15
      #create the channel
      docker exec -it peer0.org1.$DOMAIN peer channel create -o orderer.$DOMAIN:7050 -c $CHANNEL_NAME -f ./channel-artifacts/channel.tx --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/$DOMAIN/orderers/orderer.$DOMAIN/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.$DOMAIN-cert.pem
      #join org1 anchor peer peer0.org1
      docker exec -it peer0.org1.$DOMAIN peer channel join -b $CHANNEL_NAME.block
      #join org2 anchor peer0.org2
      docker exec -it peer0.org2.$DOMAIN peer channel fetch 0 $CHANNEL_NAME.block -c $CHANNEL_NAME -o orderer.$DOMAIN:7050 --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/$DOMAIN/orderers/orderer.$DOMAIN/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.$DOMAIN-cert.pem
      docker exec -it peer0.org2.$DOMAIN peer channel join -b $CHANNEL_NAME.block
      #join org1 & org2
      docker exec -it peer0.org1.$DOMAIN peer channel update -o orderer.$DOMAIN:7050 -c $CHANNEL_NAME -f ./channel-artifacts/Org1MSPanchors.tx --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/$DOMAIN/orderers/orderer.$DOMAIN/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.$DOMAIN-cert.pem
      docker exec -it peer0.org2.$DOMAIN peer channel update -o orderer.$DOMAIN:7050 -c $CHANNEL_NAME -f ./channel-artifacts/Org2MSPanchors.tx --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/$DOMAIN/orderers/orderer.$DOMAIN/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.$DOMAIN-cert.pem
      #join the other peers to the channel
      docker exec -it peer1.org1.$DOMAIN peer channel fetch 0 $CHANNEL_NAME.block -c $CHANNEL_NAME -o orderer.$DOMAIN:7050 --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/$DOMAIN/orderers/orderer.$DOMAIN/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.$DOMAIN-cert.pem
      docker exec -it peer1.org1.$DOMAIN peer channel join -b $CHANNEL_NAME.block
      docker exec -it peer1.org2.$DOMAIN peer channel fetch 0 $CHANNEL_NAME.block -c $CHANNEL_NAME -o orderer.$DOMAIN:7050 --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/$DOMAIN/orderers/orderer.$DOMAIN/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.$DOMAIN-cert.pem
      docker exec -it peer1.org2.$DOMAIN peer channel join -b $CHANNEL_NAME.block
      #install the chaincode into the anchor peers
      docker exec -it peer0.org1.$DOMAIN peer chaincode install -n insightsAudit -v 1.0 -l node -p /chaincode/src/nodejs/
      docker exec -it peer0.org2.$DOMAIN peer chaincode install -n insightsAudit -v 1.0 -l node -p /chaincode/src/nodejs/
      #install into the other peers
      docker exec -it peer1.org1.$DOMAIN peer chaincode install -n insightsAudit -v 1.0 -l node -p /chaincode/src/nodejs/
      docker exec -it peer1.org2.$DOMAIN peer chaincode install -n insightsAudit -v 1.0 -l node -p /chaincode/src/nodejs/
      #instantiate the chaincode inside one of the anchor (here we are doing for peer0.org1)
      docker exec -it peer0.org1.$DOMAIN peer chaincode instantiate -o orderer.$DOMAIN:7050 --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/$DOMAIN/orderers/orderer.$DOMAIN/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.$DOMAIN-cert.pem -C $CHANNEL_NAME -n insightsAudit -l node -v 1.0 -c '{"Args":["Init"]}'

    13. Verify if all the docker containers are running:

      docker ps -a


      You will notice some extra containers running other than the ones mentioned in the network architecture with names like this: It is an expected behaviour for the fabric-network. These containers will get spawned whenever chaincode is instantiated in a peer. Since the script will instantiate the chaincode inside peer0 by default, therefore this container will get spawned.

      At this point your raft setup is complete. Steps mentioned hereafter are for registration and enrollment of a user to be used with SDK.

    14. Login into the CA container: docker exec -it ca.org1.<DOMAIN> bash
    15. Run the following inside the container:
    • Enroll the admin: fabric-ca-client enroll -u https://Admin:adminpw@localhost:7054 --tls.certfiles /opt/gopath/src/<DOMAIN>/ca/ca.org1.<DOMAIN>-cert.pem
    • Now register a new user: fabric-ca-client register -u https://localhost:7054 "newusername" --id.secret "password" --id.type "client" --id.affiliation "org1.department1" --tls.certfiles /opt/gopath/src/<DOMAIN>/ca/ca.org1.<DOMAIN>-cert.pem
    • Verify the registration by listing the available users: fabric-ca-client identity list -u https://localhost:7054 --tls.certfiles /opt/gopath/src/<DOMAIN>/ca/ca.org1.<DOMAIN>-cert.pem

    You should see the new user inside this list if registration is successful.

         12. Test the Chaincode. Either insert record manually or let the data gets inserted via PlatformAuditEngine. Then run the below query inside any of the peers.             Modify assetID with your Asset ID value and channelname should be the same one used in step 8.

            Query: peer chaincode query -n insightsAuditing -c '{"Args":["GetAssetDetails","<assetID>"]}' -C <channelname>
