Table of Contents | ||||
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Go to Access Control
Click ADD
Go to Add Role Assignment
Select role Contributor
Go to Next tab Member
Select User, Group, Service Principle
Click on add member
Type application name that created as part of extract ClientId (Azure AD App registrations)
Click on review and assign buttonand save it
Do this activity for all Subscriptions orits parent Hierarchy
To configure this agent, you need following basic configuration in config. Json, in prerequisite these are already capture
Thereare following section in dynamic template, user may modify these based on need, these sections are
To configure this agent, user need following token information
Please refer “Azure FinOps Agent with REST API” prerequisite section
get it from above section Security + networking -- > Access keys Key1 or any -- > Connection string
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Configure GCP Finops agentAnchor isMissingRequiredParameters true
Please update the following fields in agent’s config.json
"datasetdetails": {
"projectname": {
"datasetname": "",
"datareporttablename": ""
Enter projectname, datasetname is the name of big query dataset where the billing report is exported,
datareporttablename is the name of big query table name where billing data is present
2. "recommendationzones": [
Add recommended zones for which you need to get recommendations.
3. "credentials": "<path where you are placing the service account config json>”
This is the path were the service account config json is placed.