Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias <YOUR_DOMAIN>.com -keystore "insights_app_sso_28Apr.jks" -storepass <PASSWORD> -ext san=dns:<YOUR_DOMAIN>.com -validity 1000 -keysize 2048

-storetype JKS


keytool -list -v -keystore "insights_app_sso_28Apr.jks"


keytool -certreq -alias <YOUR_DOMAIN>.com -keystore insights_app_sso_28Apr.jks -storepass <PASSWORD> -file CertCA.crt


Code Block
keytool -importcert -file Insights_SAML_SSO.cer -keystore insights_app_sso_28Apr.jks -alias insights_app_sso_28Apr_imported

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore insights_app_sso_28Apr.jks -destkeystore insights_app_sso_28Apr.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12


openssl pkcs12 -in insights_app_sso_28Apr.p12 -nokeys -out insights_app_sso_28Apr.crt

openssl pkcs12 -in insights_app_sso_28Apr.p12 -nocerts -nodes -out insights_app_sso_28Apr.key


  1. In server-config.json, change "autheticationProtocol": “SAML”.

  2. In uiConfig.json, change "autheticationProtocol": “SAML”.

  3. Open Grafana defaults.ini file and enable following [auth.proxy] section, do not change other property

    Code Block
    enabled = true
    header_name = X-WEBAUTH-USER
    header_property = username
    auto_sign_up = true
    sync_ttl = 60
    whitelist =
    headers =
    headers_encoded = true
    enable_login_token = false
  4. Add following in Apache Httpd vhost file Apache24\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf.

    Code Block
    SetEnvIf Cookie "(^|;\ *)username=([^;\ ]+)" MyCookieValue=$2
    <If "%{env:MyCookieValue} != ''">
    	  RequestHeader set X-WEBAUTH-USER "%{MyCookieValue}e"
  5. Restart Apache httpd server and Grafana.

  6. Add your SAML or SSO provider detail in server.config.json under “singleSignOnConfig” section.

  7. We can configure either metadataUrl or the metadataFilePath.

  8. Add application host name in insightsServiceURL in server-config.json.

  9. Add host information in  trustedHosts in server-config.json.

  10. Restart PlatformService and UI.

  11. Call URL https://<HostOrDomainName>/insights.

  12.   Login with your organization credential.
