Outcome Configuration
Milestone Configuration
ROI Agent Configuration
Milestone Executor and Subscriber
ROI Report Configuration (Using Report Management)
Flow Diagram
Outcome Configuration
Insights >= 9v9.3
Only Users with Admin and Editor user rights can access this functionality.
Insights supports Neo4j database for this functionality.
Steps to configure Outcome
Log in to Insights UI and navigate to Outcome Configuration (Configuration → ROI → Outcome Config). Exiting outcomes are listed here, to create new outcome click on add (+) icon.
Once all the mandatory fields are filled Save icon will be enabled. Click on Save icon to save outcome details in database.
To edit a particular an outcome, select that outcome using radio button and click on Edit icon. In edit section only Outcome Type, Metric URL and Request Parameters can be modified.
To delete a particularan outcome, select that outcome and click on Delete icon. Deletion of outcome is not allowed if it is attached to milestone config.
To activate/deactivate a particular outcome, select that outcome and use toggle button to change its status. Note: Only Active outcomes will be used for milestone configuration.
To refresh outcome configuration screen, click on Refresh icon.
Milestone Configuration
Insights >= 9.3
Insights supports Neo4j database for this functionality.
Steps to configure Milestone
Log in to Insights UI and navigate to MileStone Configuration (Configuration → ROI → MileStone Config). Exiting milestones are listed here, to create new milestone click on plus (+) icon.
Fill all mandatory fields for Milestone:
MileStone Name: Input a unique name for milestone.
MileStone Release ID: Input appropriate Release Id to which milestone data will be linked.
Start Date: Select start date for milestone.
End Date: Select end date for milestone.
Choose Outcome: To choose outcomes for milestone configuration, click on Search icon, a pop-up will be displayed with existing active outcome details. Note: One milestone can have multiple outcomes.
Once all the mandatory fields are filled Save icon will be enabled. Click on Save icon to save milestone details in database.
ROI Agent Configuration
Insights >= 9.3
Make sure Daemon Agent is configured. refer - Data Collection Configuration (Agent Configuration)
Insights supports Neo4j database for this functionality.Admin rights
Currently Supported Tools for ROI
New Relic
App Dynamics
Elastic Search
Steps to configure ROI Agent
Log in to Insights and navigate to Agent Management. To add new ROI agent click on '+' icon.
For each ROI agent there is a separate communication queue in RabbbitMQ which it subscribes to for Milestone’s outcome details. Once ROI agent is registered successfully a field 'roiExecutionQueue' is add inside subscribe section of agent config.json.
Milestone Executor and Subscriber
In Platform Engine, there are two modules for Milestone Execution:
MileStoneExecutionAggregatorModule - This module fetches all the NOT_STARTED milestones from database and publish the associated outcomes details to ROI tool specific queue in RabbitMQ. For each ROI tool there is an unique communication queue. ROI Agent subscribes to this communication queue and collects data for each outcome and publish it to agent specific data queue. From this data queue Platform Engine consumes the message and store it in Neo4j.
MileStoneStatusAggregatorModule - ROI Agent publish the outcome data collection status to Milestone Status queue i.e 'MILESTONE_STATUS_QUEUE' and from this status queue MileStoneStatusAggregatorModule consumes the status message for each outcome and accordingly updates the outcome and milestone status.
For more information about Platform Engine task Schedule, Start, Stop refer - Schedule Task Management
ROI Report Configuration
For report configuration, first step is to create KPI for each outcome using KPI Configuration functionality. For ROI, KPI query should be in below format:
Code Block MATCH (n:MILESTONE) WHERE n.milestoneName = {mileStoneName} and n.outcomeName='Host_Memory_Usage' RETURN n.from as fromDate ,n.value as value
For sample KPI refer -
After KPI configuration next step is to create Report Template using existing KPIs. While configuring report template, select template type as 'ROITemplate' and Visualization Util as GRAFANAPDF. For more details refer - Report Template Configuration