Shutdown Neo4j if it is running.
Back up neo4j.conf and “data/databases” folder either using the online backup tool or offline backups and store in safe location.
Download operating system specific Neo4j 4.4.4 installation zip or tar from below links:
For Windows: https://dist.neo4j.org/neo4j-community-4.4.4-windows.zip
For Linux: https://dist.neo4j.org/neo4j-community-4.4.4-unix.tar.gz
Download Neo4j settings zip(It has sample neo4j.conf and required plugins) from below link - https://infra.cogdevops.com/repository/docroot/insights_install/installationScripts/latest/customNeo4jSettings/neo4j-4.4.2-settings.zip
Untar or unzip Neo4j 4.4.4 folder and Neo4j setting zip.
Copy the data directory from old installation to new one.
(NOTE: The migration of users and roles from 3.5.26 to 4.4.4 is done automatically. Therefore, you do not have to move the “data/dbms/” directory and contents to the new installation.)
Change database name “graph.db” to default “neo4j” or any valid database name in neo4j. conf. (For database naming rules refer - https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/manage-databases/configuration/#:~:text=Naming%20rules%20for%20databases%20are%20as%20follows%3A )
In neo4j.conf, set dbms.allow_upgrade=true to allow automatic store upgrade and uncomment dbms.default_database=neo4j (update database name here if it’s not “neo4j”)
Start Neo4j 4.4.4. The database migration will take place during start-up.
When the upgrade has finished, dbms.allow_upgrade should be set to false or be removed.
Restart the database.