Go to user preference and switch themes and check if it is working properly
Grafana Dashboard Migration from v7.5.10 to v 8.3.3
Convert Insights Charts to built-in panels
Insights Charts panels won’t work in Grafana 8.3.3 so convert all Insights Charts panel to either Bar chart or Time Series.
Conversion of Insights Charts to Bar chart or Time Series must be done by updating JSON model because editing existing Insights Charts panel will give an error in Grafana v8.3.3 as shown below.
a. In JSON model search for chart type “insightscharts”
b. Save the queryText of insightscharts
c. Delete the JSON object of type insightscharts from JSON model
d. Save the dashboard. After saving the dashboard you will not see the Insights Panel on the dashboard.
e. Add new panel like bar chart using the query saved in step b
2. Convert Stats panel with alphanumeric value to table.
Example SprintID can be alphanumeric value so if you want to show it on dashboard use chart type as Table instead of Stats
3.Use Horizontal bar chart instead of Vertical Bar chart if x axis values are overlapping.
4. In case of Multi Bar chart widget use one query instead of multiple queries
match (n:DEPLOYMENT) where n.JobStatus='Success' AND n.SprintID in $SprintID
with sum( case when n.JobStatus='Success' then 1 else 0 end) as SuccessCnt, sum( case when n.JobStatus='Failed' then 1 else 0 end) as FailCnt, n.inSightsTimeX as Time ,n
return distinct split(Time,"T")[0] as inSightsTimeX, count(SuccessCnt), (count(n) - count(SuccessCnt) ) as Failed order by inSightsTimeX
Here in same query, we are finding the count for both Successful jobs and Failed jobs.
For InsightsCharts panel we were using different queries to find the count of successful and failed jobs.
5. Set threshold for Gauge panels.
6. Properties of returned fields can be overridden by the Override options.