User should use Insights application > 8.8, This Page available for Admin user only.
In upgrade,
It is mandatory to upgrade PlatformService, PlatformEngine and UI all together to use this functionality.
once new artifacts deployed then start Tomcat and login to UI and check Schedule Task in Configuration --> Task Management --> Schedule Task Management section
start PlatformEngine
By Default, all tasks register when Tomcat get started, On UI user view like this
Make sure that Task Name is correct, user has no option to change it after save
Edit Task
Select task which user want to edit
Click on edit icon
Use will be allowed to edit Schedule and class detail.
Now user can stop any JOB from using online UI he will click on stop button, once user will stop job, JOB will stop in 20 min.
If user want to change schedule job then he/she will click on edit button change class detail or schedule, once task detail will save then it will show status RESCHEDULED.
Internally it will stop old job and register new job with new schedule