Configuration : Below are the pre-requisites to be setup in order to view Traceability dashboard . datamodel-
- Change property as per client pipeline.
- Once It configured, upload it in Insights application using Configuration File Management menu, for more detail read Configuration File Management
- Traceability.json file has structured format and having collection of JsonObject as below.(Sample Ref)
{ Expand |
title | Sample Traceability.Json |
| { "JIRA":{
| " :1, ":2, "displayText":"Issues", "category":"ALM", "issueKey":"key", "property":"categoryName", "epicKey":"epicKey", "issueType":"issueType", "toolName":"toolName | ", "toolstatus": "jiraStatus", ", "creationDate":"creationDate", "resolutionsdate":"resolutionsdate", "issueStatus":"status", "author":"reporter", "projectName":"projectName", "timestamp":"inSightsTime",
| "priority":"priority", "inSightsTimeX":"inSightsTimeX",
| "eventKey":"eventKey", "uptool":[ " | null "uifilter":["jiraKey","projectName"], }, "messages":[ { "Message":"Total {0} in JIRA", "Operation":"PROPERTY_COUNT", "OperandName":"issueType", "OperandValue":[ ] } ], "uifilter":[ "key" ], "cardDisplayProps":[ "issueKey", "author", "issueStatus", "issueType" ], "excludeLabels":["SPRINT"] }, "GIT":{
| "uuid":"uuid", "category":"SCM",
| 23, "displayText":"Commits",
| "inSightsTimeX":"inSightsTimeX", "commitId":"commitId",
| "property":"categoryName", "toolName":"toolName",
| toolstatusCommitted gitAuthorNameauthorName", "repositoryName":"repoName",
| "timestamp":"inSightsTime",
| "uptool":["JIRA"], "downtool":["JENKINS"], "gitCommiTime":"gitCommiTime", "jiraKey":"jiraKey", "gitCommiTime":"gitCommitTime", "uptool":[ "JIRA" ], "downtool":[ "JENKINS" ] , "messages":[
| Commit Information - Commits performed over a period of by {1} unique developer(s)Developers ", "Operation":" | TIMEDIFFDISTINCT_COUNT", "OperandName":" | timestamp" } Info |