The Commands and Actions Jenkins Bot can perform : Actions | Commands |
List Jobs | jenkins list | Build Jobs | jenkins build <job name/job number> | Describe job | jenkins describe <jobname> | Last Build Job Status | jenkins last <jobname> | Jenkins Username the Hubot has for you | jenkins auth | Clear Jenkins Credentials | jenkins auth clear | Enable a Job in Jenkins | enable <jobname> | Disable a Job in Jenkins | disable <jobname> | List Jobs | jenkins list | List Jobs | jenkins list | Create a Job | create job <jobname> with localconfig.xml | Delete a Job | delete job <jobname> | Install plugin(s) | install <plugin1> <plugin2>….. in jenkins | Restart Jenkins | restart jenkins | Build Job with Params (pre-existing keys) | start <jobname> build with params <param1>=<paramvalue1> <param2>=<paramvalue=2> | Add New Params | give <jobname> config / upload <jobname> config |
→ Actions available by default Image Removed Image Added → Actions enriched by OneDevOps | OnBot