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Code Block
    "graph	"grafana":{
    "grafana	"trustedHosts":{[

        "mailFrom":" ",
        "mailTo":" ",
        "subject":"QA - Insights inference details",
        "workflowExecutorCron":"1 0 0 * * ?",
        "workflowRetryExecutorCron":"0 0 */4 ? * *"
    "refreshTime":"Jan 22, 2017 5:04:25 PM",





"endpointData": {
"elasticSearchEndpoint": "http://localhost:9200"

  • endpointData - It has the configuration for Elaticsearch database.

    • elasticSearchEndpoint - It is the server path, where Elasticsearch database is hosted.

"sparkConfigurations": {
"appName" : "inSights",
"master" : "local[*]",
"sparkExecutorMemory" : "8g",
"sparkElasticSearchHost": "http://localhost",
"sparkElasticSearchPort": "9200",
"sparkElasticSearchConfigIndex": "spark-jobs-conf/configs",
"sparkElasticSearchResultIndex": "spark-jobs-conf/kpiresults",
"kpiSize": "30",
"sparkResultSince": 5,

  • sparkConfigurations - This section has the configurations for Insights Inference Engine. This is an optional section, however, it is must for running Insights Inference Engine and to show messages on UI (server-config.json where tomcat is running).

  • appName - It refer to the application name.

  • masterIt specifies the master URL for a distributed cluster, or local to run locally with as many worker threads as logical cores on your machine.

  • sparkExecutorMemory - It specifies the memory that should be allocated for Spark execution.

  • sparkElasticSearchHost - It is host name of Elaticsearch where Spark executions would be made.

  • sparkElasticSearchPort - It is the port number of Elasticsearch.

  • sparkElasticSearchConfigIndex - it is the index on Elasticsearch, where Insights Inference - KPIs are configured and stored.

  • sparkElasticSearchResultIndex - It is the index on Elasticsearch, where the calculated results from Insights Inference 
    Engine is stored.

  • kpiSize - It is the number of results that would be consumed by Insights Inference Engine for calculation.

  • sparkResultSince - It is the number of previous results that has to be considered for Inferences calculation.

  • sparkMasterExecutionEndPoint - It is host, where Apache Spark tracks the Insights Inference - KPI jobs.

"ldapConfiguration": {
"ldapUrl" : "ldap://ldaphost:389",
"bindDN": "BindDN",
"bindPassword": "Passwd",
"searchBaseDN": "DC=XX,DC=XX",
"searchFilter": "(sAMAccountName={0})",
"ldapAttributes": {
"name": "givenname",
"surname": "sn",
"memberOf": "",
"email": "mail",
"username": "sAMAccountName"

  • ldapConfiguration - This section has the configuration for LDAP/AD connectivity. This is an optional section(Only if LDAP/AD needs to be configured with Insights Application).

    • ldapUrl - It is the URL to connect LDAP/AD server

    • bindDNThe bindDN is the credential that is used to authenticate against an LDAP connection.

    • bindPassword - It is the password for the corresponding bindDN credential.

    • searchBaseDN - It defines the location in the directory from which the LDAP search begins.

    • searchFilter - It is the filter applied on searchBaseDN.

    • ldapAttributes - It has the various attributes of LDAP such as name, surname, memberof, email, and username.

"graph": {
"endpoint": "http://localhost:7474",
"authToken": "bmVvNGo6QzBnbml6YW50QDE="

  • graph - This section refers to Neo4j database configurations.

    • endpoint - It is the server/hostname where Neo4j is hosted.

    • authToken - It is token for Neo4j authentication.

"grafana": {
"grafanaEndpoint": "http://localhost:3000",
"grafanaDBEndpoint": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/grafana",
"adminUserName": "admin",
"adminUserPassword": "admin",
"dbUserName": "user",
"dbPassword": "password"

  • grafana - It contains the details of Grafana.

    • grafanaEndpoint - It is the web server location where Grafana is hosted.

    • grafanaDBEndpoint - It's the configuration to connect PostgreSQL database.

    • adminUserName - It is the username of admin for Grafana.

    • adminUserPassword - It is the corresponding password for the username of admin for Grafana.

    • dbUserName - It is the username to log intoPostgreSQL.

    • dbUserName - It is the corresponding password for the username to log into PostgreSQL.

"postgre": {
"userName" : "user",
"password" : "password",
"insightsDBUrl": "jdbc:postgresql://",
"grafanaDBUrl": "jdbc:postgresql://"

  • postgre - This module has the configurations for PostgreSQL

    • userName - It is the username to log into PostgreSQL

    • password - It is the corresponding password for the username to log into PostgreSQL.

    • insightsDBUrl - It is the JDBC connectivity URL of Insights data storage index, which stores information related to Insights Application.

    • grafanaDBUrl - It is the JDBC connectivity URL of Grafana data storage index, which stores information related to Grafana.

"messageQueue": {
"host": "localhost",
"user": "iSight",
"password": "iSight",
"prefetchCount" : 10


  • messageQueue - These are the configurations related to RabbitMQ server.

    • host - It is the host location at which RabbitMQ is running.

    • user - It is username to log into RabbitMQ application.

    • password - It is the corresponding password for the username to log into RabbitMQ application.

    • prefetchCount - It is to control the number of files consumed by the Insights Engine.The value should be calculated based on number of messages and system configuration.

"agentDetails": {

"docrootUrl": "",
"unzipPath": "[drive_name]://[folder_path]",
"agentExchange": "iAgent",


  • agentDetails - These are the configurations needed to setup agents in Insights Application.

    • docrootUrl - It is the location from which agent would be downloaded in a zip file.

    • unzipPath - It is the local system path where the downloaded zip file would be extracted.

    • agentExchange - It is the channel where agent related data exchanges will take place.

    • agentPkgQueue - It is the queue name where all the various agents will be queued.

     "esCacheIndex": "neo4j-cached-results-custom"

  • queryCache - This configuration helps us to set custom Neo4j data source's query caching index in Elasticsearch.

    • esCacheIndex - It is the custom index of Elaticsearch where cache results will be stored.

"insightsServiceURL": "https://localhost:8080"

  • insightsServiceURL - It is the web server host and port where "PlatformService.war" file is deployed and run.

"disableAuth": false

  • disableAuth - This option is used to turn ON/OFF authentication service.

"enableNativeUsers": true

  • enableNativeUsers - This option is used to enable native users from Grafana to log into Insights application.

"insightsTimeZone": "US/Central"

  • insightsTimeZone - It is the local timezone of the country/place.

"enableOnlineDatatagging": true

  • enableOnlineDatatagging - This property is required to enable/disable Business Mapping on data.

"enableOnlineBackup": true

  • enableOnlineBackup - This property is required to enable the backup when the Engine is running.


  • autheticationProtocol- This property is used to set particular authentication protocol . For Native Grafana use "NativeGrafana", For SAML use "SAML"
